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Broken Angel

Reana Malori



Rain pounded on the pavement outside as the wind whipped the trees back and forth. Lavinia hated nights like this. Cuddled under her favorite blanket, her eyes shifted away from the window, back to the television playing one of her favorite movies. It wasn’t that she feared the rain, because she didn’t. It was something more.

Shivering as a loud clap of thunder boomed outside, she grabbed the blanket a bit tighter, determined to ignore the increased level of anxiety traveling up her spine. Rainy nights like this were when things usually went bad. Something was bound to happen that would shatter her peace.

It was a rainy night similar to this one when she’d lost her mom. Tears filled her eyes as she thought back to that moment in her life. The screams. The yelling. She’d never seen her father cry until the moment he was told her mother passed away. That night, he didn’t eat. He didn’t interact with anyone. Family and friends would stop by and he’d ignore them. His grief was like a living, breathing thing. It was almost as if he’d wanted to die right along with her mom.

Thinking of her dad and how he was doing now, she smiled sadly. He’d slowly come back to her over the years, but it had been a long road. He was better now but he still had his moments when time seemed to stop. His memories of her mother would hold him hostage, and nothing else mattered but remembering. Those were the times he’d go silent, walking off on his own for some ‘time to think’ as he called it.

Yeah, nights like this were never good for her. Maybe it was best if she went up to bed. Sleep the night away, waking up to a brand-new day. Sighing, she leaned over to grab the television remote when a loud knock sounded on her door.

Although she jumped slightly at the unexpected sound, she didn’t make any noise. Knocks on her front door in the middle of a rainstorm weren’t uncommon. Not with the kind of friends she had. The only question on her mind was who, or what, was waiting on the other side.

Since her momma and daddy didn’t raise no fool, and she had people in her life who made sure to reiterate that lesson, she slowly sat the remote back on the table. Rising to her full height, she reached over to grab her 9mm Sig Sauer P226. Her baby was always at her side, whether she was in her home, or outside of it. Moving to the side of the door, she stayed away from the window.

“Who’s there?”

When no response came, she gripped the pistol tighter. Not that she had crazies coming to her door all the time, but Lavinia was by herself in this big ass house. It was after midnight. It was raining. And…just who the fuck was at her door this late at night?

Another knock. This one in a pattern that made her breath hitch.

It was him! Nico.

Moving quickly, she turned off the living room lamp. Once the room was bathed in darkness, she walked quickly over to the front door. She turned off the front porch light, plunging the front of her home in darkness. Still holding her Sig, she glanced out the window to see his large form standing to the side. A small smile came over her face. Then her brows turned down in a frown. Why was he here?

Knowing she had no other choice but to respond, she took a deep breath and tapped the door in her answering knock. If she didn’t, she knew he’d get pissed at her for being too relaxed and letting her guard down. Accuse her of not being safe when she was all alone.

As if she’d forget everything he and Max taught her over the years.

“Open the door, Sweetheart.”

Just the sound of his voice caused goosebumps to raise along her skin. Her stomach clenched in response. She hadn’t been this nervous in a long time.

Placing her weapon on the side table, she unlocked the door. Just as she slid it open, his large form filled the entrance. She took several deep breaths, trying to control the rapid beating of her heart. Locking the door behind him, she kept the lights off. She knew the drill.

Tears pricked her lids. Six Months. Six whole fucking months since he’d been here. In this house. With her. Alone. Stay strong Lavinia. Don’t let him see you breakdown like this.

“Vini. I need help.”

Nico’s ragged voice caught her attention. When she turned to look at him, a horrible sight met her eyes. Blood was everywhere. Nico was pressing a spot near his stomach as he wavered from side-to-side.

“Nico! No!” Rushing over to him, she pressed her smaller form against his. She couldn’t hold him up on her own and they both knew it. The man stood six feet three inches tall, with a body rippling with muscles. With his blond hair and clear blue eyes, he’d always reminded her of a comic book god.

His deep voice was barely above a whisper. “I need…” the words broke off as he inhaled. His face grimacing with pain.

“What the fuck happened to you?” She couldn’t help yelling at him. He’d never been hurt like this before. Blood soaked his shirt and the top of his black cargo pants. “Shit. Nico, you have to help me get you into the bed.”

“I can walk on my own,” he groused.

“No, you can’t.” Gritting her teeth, she turned them toward the stairs. “Listen to me Nico. I have no choice. We have to get you upstairs, but I can’t do this alone. I need you to help me do this. Okay?”

After a few moments of staring down at her, he gave one nod of his head. “Okay, move.”

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