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“Wait? What?”

He turned those piercing blue eyes in her direction. “I need to get upstairs, right?”

“Yes.” Worry filled her entire body, but she couldn’t let him see the fear and concern in her eyes. That wasn’t what he needed right now.

“Then I’ll get up there myself. I’m not gonna be a bitch about it.”

Annoyance flowed through her body. Even when hurt, he allowed his ego to get in the way. “Nothing bitch about needing help, Nico. Maybe you should give it a chance once in a while.”

He turned his steely gaze to her. They both knew her words were about more than him asking for help to get up the stairs. Things left unsaid lingered in the air as neither wanted to give an inch to the other. Well, fuck him. If he didn’t like what she had to say, he could go to one of those bitches he’d been hanging around the past six months.

“Not today, Vini. I won’t argue with you about how I run my shit.” His tone was harsh, and his voice was raised in frustration.

Lavinia rolled her eyes as she folded her arms over her chest. She could give a shit if he was mad. He could pout like a damn baby if he wanted to, as long as he got upstairs.

She saw his jaw clenching, a sure indication he was holding back. “Just be ready to get this fucking bullet out when I get upstairs. Can you do that?”

Motioning with her arm for him to proceed her, “By all means, take your stubborn ass upstairs.” When he turned away from her and began moving up the stairs, she mumbled, “I hope it hurts.” Anger coursed through her veins as she thought about all she’d lost. All they’d lost.

He stopped to look at her, “What did you say?”

Not wanting to fight with him, she sighed deeply before responding. “Nothing, Nico.”

Staring at her for a few long seconds, he turned back to the task of walking up the stairs.

“I’m going to grab a trash bag. I’ll be right behind you.” Detouring to the kitchen, she took a deep breath when she got out of his sight. “You can do this. It’s okay. Just don’t let him get to you.”

Within seconds, she was back at the stairs watching him slowly lift his feet to take another step. Vini followed behind his large form, her mind whirling with all the things she needed at her disposal to care for him.

She was a registered nurse, which had come in quite handy for Nico and Max on several occasions. As well as some of the people they’d dealt with over the years. Her degree gave her the cover she needed to help those who were hurt or injured without too many questions. She also took the occasional job as a traveling nurse to get away when things became too hot.

Max and Nico protected her as best they could when things became too much. When they needed to focus all their attention on taking care of business, that’s when she’d call her agency for a job. She could usually leave in forty-eight hours, which served to get her out of dodge, and give her guys some peace of mind at the same time.

Looking at the man in front of her as he slowly shuffled up the stairs, she still couldn’t believe it had been so long since she’d been alone with Nico. She’d seen him and Max together a couple of times. The three of them met for her birthday, and again for a business dinner they all attended.

Her heart stuttered a bit at the memories. Each time, Nico would stand off to the side, practically ignoring her presence. He’d hardly say two words to her, almost as if she were a nuisance to him. That he didn’t want to be there. At least not with her around.

Each time she came home after seeing him, she’d cry herself to sleep wondering what she’d done to warrant that kind of treatment. She didn’t deserve his coldness, his disdain, nor his disregard. And they both knew it.

Then, like clockwork, a flower delivery would arrive at her home the next day. The card would have the same words each time.

“I’m sorry. You deserve better. ~ N.”

Yet, here he was, and he needed her help. They’d finally made it up to the master bedroom. Nico sat on the thick mattress, sweat covering his face, his breath coming out in short bursts. Without another word, she kneeled before him and began to untie his laces. After removing his boots and socks, she stood in front of him.

“I need to get your clothes off, Nico. I don’t want you in pain, but I need to see the extent of the damage.”

His eyes were still closed. No response came through as his harsh breaths continued to sound in the room.


“I heard you, Vini. Just give me a fucking second,” he snapped.

Tempted to snap at him right back, she held her tongue. She knew what it felt like to be shot, which was a story for another day. The feeling of hot lead slicing through your flesh made you go blind for a second, the pain was so intense. The feeling of hot metal slicing through your flesh was almost indescribable. If he’d been walking around, trying to get to her, the pain had to be mind-numbing at this point. So, fine, this one time she’d give him a pass, but he wouldn’t be getting too many more of those.

“Come on, Nico. Either lie down or stand up, but you gotta pick one or the other. We need to get you patched up.”

He released a few rapid breaths and pushed himself off the bed to stand. “Fuck,” he yelled.

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