Page 243 of Obsessive Temptation

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LOL. I’m betting he’s still lingering around. You have that big meeting soon, right? Shouldn’t you get to focusing on that? *winky face emoji*

Are you brushing me off, Jessica?

“No. Gosh! Sorry, that was my awkward attempting at flirting. *facepalm emoji*

It’s fine. I’m messing with you. I do have a meeting, but I don’t need to prepare for it. I run the company, so I’m really just there to look pretty and review data.

Must be nice! I’m usually the person presenting.

What are you doing this evening? I want to call you tonight.

I’ll be working on some stuff from work, but feel free to call away.

Awesome. Enjoy your day, sweets! I’m going to get going.

You, too.

I set the phone down and return my attention to my computer. When I look up, Erin is staring at me inquisitively. “What?”

“Are you seeing someone?” she pries playfully.

“Uh, no, ma’am. Why would you ask that?”

“Maybe because you’ve been smiling at your phone for the last several minutes.”

“Oh, no! That was just a friend.” I wave her off and pull my chair forward.

“Sure! Well, Jessica, I think a smile looks good on you.”

“Thanks.” My cheeks heat up, and I hope she doesn’t sense my embarrassment. Not that there’s something to be ashamed about, because I’m not even sure what’s there. Yes, we’ve texted often and shared a few laughs with each other since that first call. But it’s all still so new, and we’ve never even seen each other. Now, don’t get me wrong, while I’ve dreamed about what he looks like, part of me is afraid this could be a catfish situation.

Erin and I move forward with our meeting, knocking out a lot of key factors to include in the training designs for each client. Once we’ve finalized those thoughts, I excuse her and focus my attention on some other projects. The day goes by pretty fast, and soon it’s time to head home for the day. Earlier, Kade mentioned he wanted to call me tonight, so the first thing I do was rush to the store for my necessities so I can be settled in by the time he calls.

My phone rings from across the room, forcing me to press pause on my TV show. Groaning, I lift myself up from the couch and strut to answer it.

“Hey, you!” I say when I realize that it’s finally him. We never discussed what time he’d call, so I chose to watch some shows to distract myself from waiting around.

“There’s that sweet voice. Sorry for calling so late. I meant to call in earlier, but a couple of my meetings ran long today,” he proclaims.

“You sure have a lot of meetings,” I say playfully.

“I do. So ready for a quick vacation. How was your day?”

I walk back to the sofa and sit. “It was pretty good. Got a lot done at work, prepared dinner, watched television, drank a glass of wine.”

“Nice. Again, I’m sorry for the delay. Hope you weren’t waiting and starting to think I’d lost interest?”

“It’s okay.” I purposely skip over his comment on being interested. It has crossed my mind at least once, but I’m not going to ask or get my hopes up. These sorts of things have unusual outcomes, and it would be desperate to expect anything too soon.

“What was for dinner?” he asks, breaking our brief silence.

“Shrimp pasta. Aside from the long meetings, how was your day?”

“I’d rather talk about you.”

“That bad, huh?” I pry.

“No, not bad. But you’ve been on my mind all day, and now that I’m talking to you, I want to focus on that.”

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