Page 242 of Obsessive Temptation

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After getting shit-faced drunk on Saturday, I spent Sunday laid up fighting through a hangover. The throbbing in my head and the upset bowels reminded me exactly why I limit myself to glasses of wine. Me and liquor haven’t ever been the best of friends. I drink entirely too much of it, and she thanks me by knocking me on my ass for a day. But this morning, I feel refreshed and ready to start my week. There are a few new contracts for me to review, and I’m excited to finally have my own personal workload.

They were so impressed with my presentation on Friday that my boss emailed me last night asking me if I could run two additional projects. Of course, I eagerly accepted. These are smaller than the one I turned in last week, but I don’t mind at all. Work is work, and I’ll knock it out of the park as always.

“Good Morning, Erin, can you meet me in my office in about five minutes? Lauren sent over a few contracts for me to review.”

“Sure thing. Need me to grab you a coffee before I come in?”

“Nope, I already got it. But bring yourself one,” I say when I reach my office door.

Erin smiles and scurries off to the kitchen while I set my things down. I remove my jacket and hang it on the back of the door before walking to my desk and retrieving my laptop from my bag. I start it up and take a seat, sipping my coffee, being careful not to burn my lip. Sitting the cup on the coaster to my left, I scroll to my Outlook account to open the files from Lauren.

While I wait for the documents to load on the screen, my phone buzzes, and I see it’s a note from Kade. I smile instantly, letting my cheeks touch my eyes as I open it. We texted on and off throughout the day yesterday, sharing a lot about each other. We talked about my last relationship, and he talked about his, including the not-so-exclusive ordeal he had with Candace. I’ve learned his favorite color and exactly how he likes his coffee: black with one sugar. He teased me for the copious amounts of additives I place in mine and shared some childhood memories with me. To say this thing I have with him is unexpected is an understatement, but it’s fun and daring. I try to tell myself not to have any expectations, because frankly, I have no idea what this is.

Good morning, sweets!

Hey, you! How’d you sleep?

Like a log. Hope you got some rest? Finally over that hangover?

I am actually. Your little remedy helped. Where’d you learn it?

I’m ashamed to say. *Facepalm emoji*

*Smiley face emoji* Were you a bit of a party animal?

I was. Don’t hold it against me, though.

Too late…

I stare at the three dots that indicate he’s typing his response when Erin comes strolling in. Tearing my eyes from my phone, I flip it over as she closes the door and hurries over to my desk. Her arms are filled with her laptop, cellular device, notebook, and coffee, making it a little challenging for her. Quickly, I stand to take the cup so she doesn’t spill it all over the place.

“Thank you, Jessica!”

“No problem.” I sit the piping-hot beverage down beside her. Back in my chair, I cross my legs and grab my favorite ink pen with the diamond on the end.

“I still love that pen,” Erin adds, sipping her drink.

I smile. “I’m about to send you the files from Lauren. There are two contracts both due in a couple of weeks. I’d like to be able to present the demos in approximately five days. I figured we can tag team the research to move things along, but I will need you to run point on data collections.”

As I talk, Erin scribbles away in her notepad, jotting down my instructions. “Will they need a data mastery report?” She looks up at me over the brim of her glasses.

“Let’s see.” I glance to my screen, skimming the pages. “No, it doesn’t look like they are requesting one, but let’s put one together anyway. It wouldn’t hurt to have it readily available in case they ask later.”

“Sure thing. Do we know what presentation style they are asking for?”

“These are both for hospitality management companies. Their styles are more fitting to a strategical imagery.”

Erin nods and continues to take notes before opening her laptop. Meanwhile, I’m distracted by the incoming text on my phone. Picking it up, I relax my shoulders and lean back into my seat. A smile spreads across my face, and I completely forget that I’m not alone.

No fair, sweets. We shouldn’t hold one’s past against them.

You’re right! But that doesn’t stop me from being curious of your possible bad-boy days.

Haha. I’m not entirely sure those days are behind me. I’m smarter now, though.

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