Page 229 of Obsessive Temptation

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Tiara watched Jordan stride into the kitchen. Confidence screaming from every pore. He acted like he didn’t do anything wrong. Oh no he didn’t? She was itching to point out his culpability to this whole situation.

He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine still not speaking. She continued to watch him as he pulled two wine glasses out of a different cabinet than the one his mother pulled the coffee cups from.

His mother.

Oh my God.

The man that I have had naked fun playtime with, I have met his mother. What in the world is happening?Tiara usually didn’t meet the men she was dating mothers. She could honestly admit that very few of her relationship made it to the point where she met the best friend let alone any of his relatives, and she had already met Jordan’s most intimate friends and his mother. Next thing you knew she would be meeting his father and somebody would be planning a wedding. This was not happening. Her world didn’t work this way.

“What is going on with us?” she blurted out as he set the glass of wine down in front of her. She scooped it up and downed it in a single gulp. Even with her hasty drinking, she noted that it was delicious. She held out her glass for a refill.

“What do you mean?” Once again, the thought ran through her head how sexy he was when he did that slow seductive blink. There was no way he didn’t know the effect he was having on the dryness of her panties.

Soaking wet panties were uncomfortable. That was it. He did it on purpose so that she would be forced to remove her panties giving him an excuse to get up close and personal and lick her.

“This…this thing that is between us?” She took another drink of the wine. At this rate, she was going to be hungover in the morning. Hopefully, her new boss would be the understanding type, she thought with a snort.

“I thought we were living our best life?” He said with a grin to her.

Tiara’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Jordan hardly ever cracked a joke. He was one of those types of men that wore his game face twenty-four seven. That he was laid back at a time like this shocked the hell out of her. People were talking like she was in a steady relationship with him. They were expecting a future from them. Either one of those actions would have most men running for the hills, but Jordan was acting nonchalant. Like it was an everyday thing.

“Did you just crack a joke?”

“Yes, but I was also being serious.” He took a sip of his wine before reaching in the fridge and pulling out a fruit tray.

Oh Kiwi, she loved kiwi. Wait. She was not going to let him distract her with her favorite fruit. She needed answers. She needed to get her life together. She was turning into a whiny little bitch, and she didn't like it.

“Explain please,” she rolled her hand for him to continue as she shoved cheese into her mouth. “I thought we were just hooking up for some great sex, but so far I have met your friends, and today you became my boss, and now I have met your mother. It feels like you are taking over my life.”

The words came spilling out of Tiara, the feelings that she had been bottling up came to life with the words. “This has gone beyond a simple wham, bam, thank you, ma’am. This feels bigger than anything I have ever felt in my life. It makes me want to run and bury my head in the sand. I need to know how serious this is going to get.”

Jordan made his way around the counter to lean against it next to where she was sitting. He removed the glass from her hand setting it down. She turned her head to look deep within his eyes.

“If I wasn’t serious about you and what we are doing together I never would have introduced you to my friends.” He reached out and cupped her cheek in his big hand. She turned and kissed the palm of his hand as he continued to speak. “If I weren’t serious about what was going on between us, I never would have bought Barnaby’s Call Center, because that was nothing but a poor business decision. That company ran into the ground. It was on the edge of bankruptcy. I was going to pass on the deal until I met you and learned that you worked at the place. I didn’t want you to end up unemployed. So I bought the company for you. It will cost me more money to get it solvent again than I will make from it for several years to come.”

Tiara’s eyes snapped open from where they had closed. His soothing tone had lulled her into a state of contentment. “You bought a company so I wouldn’t be unemployed?” The shock made her voice squeak at the end. “That’s crazy.”

“Yeah, I was going to talk to you about it tonight.” He gave her a sheepish grin.

“Why would you buy a company for me after only knowing me a little while?”

“Because it only took knowing you a little while for me to realize that I love you.”

Tiara dropped her glass of wine at Jordan’s words. Her heart was beating wildly as his lips closed over hers. Explosions went off behind her eyelids. The taste of Jordan and his words were a powerful combination that set her body on fire. A craving roared to life in her as her tongue tangled with his. The power of his kiss swept through her body leaving the nerve endings on fire.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Not just at his kiss, but also at the feelings his words invoked. An echoing sentiment ranged throughout her. The feelings and words were right. The restless uneasiness she had been feeling settled at his words.

She was amazed at the calm that came over her at the sound of three little words in Jordan’s voice.

All of her doubts about her future melted away as everything fell into place.

She slowly opened her eyes when his mouth lifted from her to find herself staring into the whiskey brown eyes that she fell in love with from their very first meeting.

“I love you, too,” she whispered softly to him before pulling his head down and their mouths meeting again. Her tongue tangled with his enjoying the heady unique mixture that was Jordan, whiskey, and man. Her simmering passion exploding into a wild inferno as it did every time they touched.

With a gasp, they parted. Chests heaving. Breath rushing in and out of them.

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