Page 330 of Seductive Temptation

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Roll the Dice

Janae Keyes



“His behavior, coupled with his grades as of late is beginning to concern us, and we don’t think Fisher’s Academy is going to continue to be a good fit for your son.”

I sat in disbelief as the woman across from me threatened to kick my son out of the school she was headmistress of. I shook my head. There was already too much on my plate, and now I’d been called into the school for a meeting.

“Ma’am, with all due respect, Fisher’s Academy is exactly where he belongs. I’ve researched every school in the area and this was the only one that met his needs. Julian is a good kid. He’s just been through a lot over the past few years,” I tried my damnedest to explain his circumstances.

My son had been through more than most adults and he had handled it fantastically, until lately. Puberty hit, and it all went to hell, but I didn’t blame him for it. Underneath his current difficulties, he was one fantastic kid who I loved with everything. We’d survive the bad times, we’d done it before.

“May I ask, is his father taking an active role in his life?” Headmistress Erikson asked. The auburn-haired woman leaned forward as if she was going to receive the juiciest bit of gossip she’d had all year.

I couldn’t help but snicker at her question. Was his father taking an active role? Hell no, well, only if it included breaking promises to an already heartbroken kid. The biggest broken promise was this past summer. The ‘sperm donor’—as he shall be referred to forevermore—had promised Julian repeatedly he’d pay to send him to basketball camp. I tried to talk to Julian and lessen the blow because I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Sperm Donor didn’t even have a reliable job.

“At the moment, no. I do all I can for my son, on my own. It’s been a rough few years on everyone as you can understand, after the passing of Julian’s brother.” That hit me hard. I hated when I had to talk about it. Maybe I should talk about it more often, it might help, or not. Being a single mom was hard enough, then losing a child to cancer was unthinkable. “Julian lost his best friend and his twin. He goes to therapy twice a week and I’ve got him in a few after-school activities. Whatever this is, it will pass. I’ll talk to him. I promise I will.”

“For now, he’s on probation. I want to see a change within the next month. If not, we can no longer keep him in our student body.” She was standing her ground, but at least he had a second chance.

I allowed out a sigh of relief as my eyes diverted down to my phone. My time was limited, and I still had so much to do before I ran off to the airport.

“Sorry, it seems I’m infringing upon your time,” the Headmistress snapped when she caught me checking the time.

“I apologize, I have a work trip and I leave in just a few hours,” I said with copious amounts of sympathy in my voice to gain back points with her. “Single mom, always on the move.”

“And what do you do again?” she asked as we both stood.

“I’m an analyst for Sullivan Tech. My entire life is numbers and statistics. My biggest hope right now is for my son to not be a statistic. I work my behind off for that kid and I just pray to God it works out in the end.” Every word of that was from my heart. I worked night and day to provide a good life and school tuition for my son. He deserved it.

“Good luck on your trip and please chat with Julian about his recent behavior. Also, take a moment for yourself. You’re a great mother, I can see that, but those bags under your eyes are telling.” Headmistress Erikson stepped up and patted me on the shoulder. I gave her a weak smile in return; she was right, and I was going to have that moment.

We said our farewells and I left her office behind. Sitting in the hallway with his bookbag at his feet, and a basketball in his hands was my thirteen-year-old son. He was the spitting image of his dad with a long face, puppy dog eyes, and a charming little smile.

“We done?” he asked, clearly annoyed. I had to hold in my disdain for his shitty attitude. I remembered what it was like to be thirteen once and my life wasn’t nearly as traumatic as his.

My sons were my greatest gift and still were, even though I only had one of them living. Jason stood up and practically towered me already. His five feet ten inches dunked on my measly five feet three inches. His dad was also tall, when we met, he had a barrage of short jokes he constantly directed flirtatiously my way.

“We’re done. Let’s get you to Grandma’s quick because I’ve got a plane to catch,” I rushed him out of the hallway and toward the front door of the school.

It seemed I spent all my time in a rush and there were so many regrets attached to it, but at the same time, I had the responsibility to provide for my son. It was a give and take situation and though my son had to suffer the consequences, he’d never go hungry and there would always be a roof over his head.

Leaving the school behind, he was dragging his feet. I didn’t want to call him ungrateful for all I sacrificed, but I wished he could open his eyes just a little wider.

“Why do I have to stay with Grandma? Can’t I stay home by myself? I am thirteen,” he complained as we approached the car.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before turning to face him.

“Believe me, Jason. I know you’re thirteen, you came out of my vagina thirteen years ago,” I reminded him to his face twisting in a disgusted cringe.

“Please mom, don’t say that. It’s gross!” He whined as I unlocked the car.

“It’s completely true and don’t you forget it. Now, get in and let me get you to Grandma’s real quick.” I jumped in the driver’s seat while Jason slowly, but surely, followed my instructions.

“Okay, whatever,” he grumbled as he sat in the passenger seat.

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