Page 331 of Seductive Temptation

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Instead of turning on the car, I turned to face the growing boy who I loved with every beat of my heart. I lived every single day for him.

“Jason,” I said softly as I tried to keep any and all irritation from my voice. I wanted to express my love for him and show him that everything I did was because I cared. Jason reluctantly faced me. “You know why I had the meeting with Headmistress Erikson?” He nodded. “This school is good for you and they’ve been so patient in working with us, but you aren’t helping yourself here. They’re considering expelling you because your grades have majorly slipped and your behavior is out of control. I know I work a lot and I know it hasn’t been easy since James died. I miss him too, every single day. We were the Three Musketeers, and now we’re two. I hate it as much as you and I hurt like you, but we’ve got to turn things around. After this work trip, I’m going to tell my bosses I need to work fewer hours. This means less money for some things, but I get to spend more time with you.”

“You don’t have to do that, Mom!” Jason interjected. “I know you work hard and stuff for me. I’m sorry about everything. I am. I just don’t know–” he paused. He blinked, and one tear trickled down his dark chocolate skin. I quickly wiped it away. I hated my child was in pain, and I couldn’t take that pain away.

“I get it. You’re thirteen and you don’t know how to express exactly how you feel. It’s already normal and everything else doesn’t help. We’re figuring this out together. Just please, for my sanity, work harder in school and please improve your behavior. I only want the best for you.”

“I know,” he whispered. “I can do better. I know I can.”

“Good. I’m always proud of you no matter what. We’re all each other has. We’ve got to keep above all the crap that tried to bring us down,” I reminded him, and he nodded with a smile spreading across his lips. “Let’s get you to grandma’s and after this weekend we’ll figure it all out.”

Already this work trip was more than I’d expected. Sitting in first class was never expected, but upon checking in for my flight, I was informed a first-class upgrade had been purchased. As long as I wasn’t paying for it, I was all for it. I’d never gotten complimentary champagne on a flight. If I never had to fly coach again, I wouldn’t.

I expected when I arrived in Las Vegas, I’d just get a taxi to my hotel, but a gentleman in a crisp black suit stood waiting for me at the bottom of the escalator with a sign in hand, LAYLA HUDSON, it read.

“First time in Vegas?” The driver asked as I gawked out the window of the private black town car with my phone in hand, snapping pictures of the passing sights. I was in complete awe of the grand hotels that stood side by side and the setting sun reflecting off their windows. It was a sight I’d never seen before.

“Yeah, I guess I look like the crazy tourist type, huh?” I joked as I snapped a photo at the Paris Hotel’s famous Eiffel Tower.

A weekend with all expenses paid was what the letter said when I was called into my boss’s office a few weeks back to inform me of the trip. There was some gala happening and I was chosen to attend. Out of all the employees, I was picked for the honor of attending a party at the CEO’s hotel with company stockholders and board members.

“It’s cute seeing folks come for the first time. I was born and raised here, but the place still holds a bit of magic, especially when the sun goes down and the lights come up,” the driver expressed. “Are you here for business or pleasure?”

“Business. I was invited to a company thing. I’ll get a little pleasure out of being away for a few days though,” I noted as I continued to glance out the window at the busy Vegas Strip. There were hordes of tourists everywhere, with their phones and cameras snapping photos of one another and the sights.

“I hear you on that one,” the driver said with a chuckle as he stopped, and I heard the clicking of his blinker ticking in the background.

He was preparing to turn into the drive of one of the biggest hotel towers I’d ever seen. I was almost blinded by the setting sun reflecting off the silver windows of the sleek building that rose into the sky. Three sphere towers that looked to be made of all silver coated glass appeared to wrap around one another as they climbed higher and higher. They were almost like a strand of DNA, but instead of two helixes, it was three.

The car pulled around a grand fountain and to the front doors. As soon as we came to the stop, the doors opened to an attendant who held out his hand for me. I took it as he helped me from the backseat.

“Good Afternoon, Ms. Hudson,” he greeted me naturally as if he’d done it for me a million times.

“Umm, thanks,” I mumbled as the driver pulled my bags from the trunk.

I took in my surroundings. Tourists came in and out of the doors. Most of them were young people in their twenties. I’d read up on the boss’s casino and knew it was the hottest spot in Vegas at the moment. There were three exclusive nightclubs with waitlists for miles, world-class restaurants headed by celebrity chefs, and some of the most luxurious suites on the planet. On my own, I’d never be able to afford a place like this for a weekend, but this time it was on the company dime.

“I will be taking you directly to your room, Ms. Hudson,” The attendant informed me. “Oh, I’m Marcus by the way. I’ll be your butler during your stay with us at Triple Helix Casino, Resort, and Spa.” I gave him a good look for the first time. He was handsome, with caramel skin, and shocking grey eyes.

“Er–thanks. I wasn’t expecting such good treatment,” I noted as he began to lead me through the silver doors.

From top to bottom, everything glittered. The floor was lined in gold and larger than life chandeliers hung over our heads in a way that they appeared to float in midair.

“Holy shit,” I mumbled under my breath as the sights and sounds kept me in awe. The screams of a woman hitting a jackpot, the pumping music, and the luxury draping every surface kept me intrigued.

A feeling struck me, and I stopped in my tracks. I glanced around me. It was as if I was being watched, but there was nobody with their focus on me. Taking a deep breath, I shook the feeling away and continued to follow Marcus.

We arrived in a circular hall filled with elevators. Other patrons of the hotel stood around as they waited for one to arrive. My shoes tapped on the white marble floors as we waited.

A distinct ding rang through the area as an elevator arrived. As the golden doors opened, guests exited while the others waiting around entered. I took a step forward but was quickly stopped by Marcus.

“Not your elevator,” he told me as he pointed out another set of elevator doors. These were gold like the rest, but a plaque that was lined with what looked to be diamonds stood out next to it with the words, PREMIUM FLOOR ELEVATOR. “You’re staying on the sixty-fifth floor. Floor sixty and up is only for guests staying VIP on the Premium Floors with Mr. Sullivan’s Penthouse Suite at the top on floor, seventy.”

“Oh,” I mumbled to myself as I tried to contain my awe at the situation.

Another ding filled the hall, but this time the premium floors elevator opened with a man standing inside. The man wore the same color grey suit as Marcus and he gave me a nod.

“I’m right behind you,” Marcus announced as I stepped toward the elevator and inside the box that reminded me of the outside of the hotel, silver and reflective.

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