Page 258 of Seductive Temptation

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“Okay.” She agreed.

She turned and started strolling towards the cabin. She clasped Buck’s hand in hers as if it was the most natural thing to do. A sizzle ran up her arm from where their hands met. Since Buck didn’t pull away from her, she thought it must be okay. “Have you lived in One-stop long?”

It wasn’t a long walk to her cabin so she only had a short amount of time to find out as much information as she could about Buck.

“I’ve lived in One-stop most of my life except for the few years of active duty in the military.”

“Were you in the Army?”

“No, the Marines.”

“Were you in their long?” As long as Buck was willing to answer her questions, she was more than willing to ask them.

“I was on active duty for almost ten years.”

“Wow, that was a long time.”

“Sometimes it seemed like it was a lifetime.” Buck’s tone shifted, it became softer. Karma glanced at him and he had a lost, faraway look. She had seen that before. She stayed quiet, enjoying the warmth of his hand in hers. The cool night air had her shivering, with her free hand she tugged her jacket tighter around her.

Karma looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. A frown came over his face. They walked quietly together until they reached her cabin. He seemed to be deep in thought she didn’t want to disturb him.

Once they had reached her small front porch, he seemed to shake whatever funk he had fallen into off.

“Thank you for seeing me safely home.” She made a quick decision.

Karma stood on her tiptoes to kiss Buck on the cheek.

She pulled back, looking at him with wide-eyes gauging his reaction. His lips curled up causing her toes to do the same. She breathed a gentle sigh of delight at the sight. Something deep inside of her told her that Buck wasn’t the smiling type.

“Would you like to have breakfast with me in the morning?”

“I would love to,” she breathlessly answered.

Buck reached down and gently kissed her cheek in return. “Good. I will see you around ten.”

He stood there on the porch waiting for her to enter the cabin before turning and walking away. Karma leaned against her cabin door and gently rub the cheek that Buck had kissed.

It burned. No man had ever generated such feelings in her before. She shook herself out of it, moving into the cabin, time to get ready for bed. Even after cleaning up, her mind couldn’t let go of the memory, fingers dancing across her cheek, smile creeping back.

She fell asleep to the thought of Buck’s lips touching other parts of her body generating the same burn.

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