Page 259 of Seductive Temptation

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Karma was up bright and early the next morning despite the late-night. She was eager to see Buck. She was putting the finishing touches on her hair when there was a knock at the cabin door.

“Okay calmed down. He is just a man.” She gave herself a quick pep talk. “Granted he is a man who’s bones you would jump in a heartbeat, but still just a man.”

She rushed over to the door stopping to take a deep breath before opening it. It took everything in her to keep from reaching out and grabbing ahold of Buck. The bright sunshine highlighted the blonde streaks in his brown hair. It hung down past his collar. Karma desperately wanted to brush it aside, stroke those cheekbones. The way it framed those deep eyes, touched at her core.

She resisted.

“Good morning.” Buck’s deep voice awakened her libido. If just the sight of his hair and the sound of his voice had this effect on her body God saved her from his touch. It was something she might not live through.

Good morning” she stood back to let him into her cabin. Buck stepped inside carrying a picnic basket.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yes. Yes, I am. Am I going to need a jacket?”

“No. We are going to the base of the mountain but not up the mountain. So, it will still be warm. It’s a beautiful day, so I thought a picnic breakfast might be better, instead of going to the diner to grab something to eat. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Oh, I haven’t been on a picnic in ages.” Karma glanced at the picnic basket eyes dancing in delight as she imagined what delicious food might be inside.

He held out his hand to her. She grabbed hold of his hand, bracing herself for the shock. Even though she braced herself nothing could prepare her for the heat burning down her nerve endings, as his thumb danced across her knuckles. Warmth infused her body at such a simple touch.

It found places deep inside of her.

Setting them on fire.

He gave her hand a slight tug pulling her forward until she brushed up against his body. She stood there savoring the feel of his hard body against hers. They were so close that the shudder that went through him felt like an extension of one that started in her body.

She took a step back from him. If she didn’t put some distance between them, she would drag him over to her bed and have her way with him. She stepped around him out of the cabin. He trailed behind her, shutting the door behind him. He gestured, and they stepped down onto the path leading from the cabin.

She walked with Buck as he headed towards Blazing Buck. They passed in front of a large barn. Next, they went by Buck’s garage. Following the road that led out of town.

Karma noticed that this was a different route than the one she’d taken coming into town with Buck a couple of nights ago. Glancing it over, she tugged at Buck’s hand, “This is not the way we came into town when you towed my car is it?”

Buck pointed behind his garage, “No the road we came on was a private road that goes down across property that I own at the back of my garage. It is part of the old highway that led into One-stop back when the ski resort was still in existence.”

“What happened to the ski resort? This seems like a great place to go skiing.”

“Avalanche.” Buck give the simple explanation.


“Okay, technically not an avalanche. More of a landslide.” He explained further.

He pointed to a different area high up on the side of the mountain. Karma could see huge boulders and rocks frozen in time but at any moment, they could tumble down the side of the mountain. At the bottom of the mountain was a huge pile of rocks. Sticking up out of the rocks was ruminants of a ski lift. One of the gondolas appeared stuck, frozen in place on the side of the mountain.

“That used to be Raleigh Valley Ski Resort. Until it was taken out by the landslide.”

“Okay I’m not a geologist, but I did take a class.” Karma started only to be interrupted by a laugh. She glanced at him.

“You took a class?” He grinned down to her. There was not much difference between their height.

“Yes, I took a class. I love to take classes. And from what I learned in a class it doesn’t look like erosion was a factor in the cause of this rockslide.”

Buck stopped, their clasped hands jarring her to a stop with him. She turned and looked at him to see why he stopped. There was a look of amazement on his face as he stared at her in surprise. “What?”

He just shook his head at her stunned. “Wow.” He continued walking next to her. “You are just a woman full of amazing knowledge.”

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