Page 257 of Seductive Temptation

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“Hey sweet thing,” he addressed Karma, “how about we go ahead and have the dance right now?” He reached across the bar and grabbed a handful of cherries out of the dish that Buck had just refilled with garnishes for some of the fruitier drinks that he made.

Buck moved the garnish dish to the back of the bar frowning at Eugene, “Hey. Keep your damn hands out of my fruit dish.” He ordered.

Eugene ignored him as he reached out and grabbed ahold of Karma’s arm. She yanked out of his grasp.

“I’m going to take a hard pass on that one.” She said to him moving further down the bar away from him. She hoped he would get the hint and that would be the end of the exchange.

“Hey bitch,” Eugene yelled at her as he grabbed her arm again, “don’t you dare walk away from me. You’re lucky a guy like me would take an interest in a woman like you.”

Karma spun around and grabbed Eugene by his balls squeezing hard. His eye bulged at her grip a groan escaped him as she applied pressure. “No. You’re lucky that my name is Karma and not Fate or you would be meeting yours.” She gave his balls another hard squeeze before letting them go.

“You ain’t even that cute.” Eugene moaned as he collapsed onto his seat.

“You do realize that karma is a bitch that knows your name, right?” Karma started walking away again.

Eugene ignored her as he turned towards the short haired model and her two friends still posted up at the end of the bar.

“Hey ladies. You want to see me tie this cherry stem into a knot?” He said in a flirtatious voice.

When the women giggled, he took it as consent and popped several cherries into his mouth. He started to chew the cherries with his mouth full. Karma just rolled her eyes at the grossness of seeing all those fruits going around inside of his open yap and the stupidity of women who would fall for a jerk like Eugene.

She moved away before she lost the quick snack she had grabbed earlier when she heard a loud gasp followed by the sound of a barstool falling over. She turned back only to see him clutching his hands to his throat frantically while his face turned bright red. He tried to breathe in several times, but the only sound heard was a loud wheezing. Karma rushed back to his side.

Ah shit.

“Are you choking?” she asked rapidly glancing at what she had to work with.

At his vigorous nod of yes, Karma turned him to face the bar. She shoved him hard against the bar, his abdomen hitting the solid rail. A loud whoosh escaped him as a cherry flew out of his mouth, hitting the back mirror behind the bar.

“Oh my God, you saved my life.” Eugene wheezed. “Thank you for saving my life. Thank you. If there’s ever anything I can do for you just let me know.” He grabbed Karma’s hand and frantically shook it up and down. Karma detached her hand from his vigorous shaking.

“How about you just try to be less of a douche in the future and we will call it even?”

“Okay, you got it.” He enthusiastically nodded his head in agreement before returning to his friends.

During their short conversation, Buck rounded the bar. He leaned in close to her ear, his breath warm on her skin, making Karma shiver at the intimacy. “That was amazing.” His breath caressed her ear. “How did you learn to do that?”

“I took a class.” Karma whispered, pressing her lips against his ear as she spoke. Without thinking, her tongue darted out, stroking it. She traced the outer shell of his ear before pulling away. She was astonished at her boldness.

Buck stared at her for a few seconds his amber eyes dark with passion. He didn’t say anything about her licking his ear. His gaze focused on her mouth as her tongue darted out to lick her lips in anticipation. He bent down. Karma’s lips parted only for him to brush his own lips against her ear. Teasing her with the softest of touches.

“A class huh?” he smiled against her ear before straightening up and moving back around the bar.

Karma stood there as shivers of delight racked her body. She could only begin to imagine what he could do with those lips. She wasn’t able to move until Buck handed her the drinks for her current order. Shaking her head slightly, Karma moved carefully. She was sure Buck had left her standing in a puddle of her own juices. It wouldn’t be good to slip and fall on her ass. She would probably just lay there with her legs spread wide, begging Buck to fuck her.

Thankfully the rest of the night passed without incident. Before she knew it, closing time had arrived. She helped the Hannah and Lisa stack the chairs on the table so that the floor could be cleaned early in the morning by the cleaning crew. She waved goodnight to her new friends Lisa and Hannah as she made her way out the back door.

“Karma.” She paused at her name. Turning around she saw Buck exiting out the bar behind her. “I’ll see you tomorrow Blaze.” He called out to his brother as she waited for him to catch up to her.

“Come on; I’ll walk you home.” He said once he caught up to her.

She patted his arm trying to not to lose herself in the feel of the firm muscles in his arm. “There’s no need. You had a long day you need to get home and get your rest.” She thought it was really sweet.

She hadn’t been walked home since she attended the school dance in junior high school.

“Though One-stop is a relatively safe town, we do get a lot of strangers in here. And I don’t want anything to happen to you between here and your cabin. So, I am just going to walk you home.”

She looked up into his stubborn face. She had a feeling that either she was walking with Buck or he would trail behind her until she safely reached her cabin. She chose to walk with Buck. Her heart beat a little faster at the thought of spending more time in this company. He was such a handsome man.

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