Page 256 of Seductive Temptation

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Karma was having the time of her life. She had forgotten how much fun working in a busy, people filled place could be. You always got to meet interesting folks who come from interesting places with interesting stories.

She loved to hear about other people’s lives.

She had met Lisa, the other waitress. Lisa had long brown hair that she wore up in a bouncy ponytail. She wore cut off jean shorts that showed the skin of her long smooth tanned legs; her sparkly four-inch heels brought her height up to at least five feet six inches. Karma didn’t feel so bad about her top once she saw the skimpy one that Lisa was wearing. She felt a lot more comfortable removing the sweat jacket she had on to reveal the red bustier she was wearing.

So far tonight had been about earning her some good tips. Though it bothered her that every time she went near Buck all he did was frown in her direction. She wondered if she had done something to piss him off. She gave a mental shrug. Other than exchange drink orders with him they hadn’t really talked since the after-dinner crowd rush. Truly the loud music, laughter, and accompanying noise made it difficult to hold any conversation.

Besides Buck’s attention was constantly being drawn to filling drink orders from patrons. And when he did get a free minute the tall model thin woman at the end of the bar with her two equally thin friends kept flirting with him.

Karma refrained from going over to her, grabbing her by her short straight hair, and slamming her forehead into the bar top. It wouldn’t do to get fired on her first night or possibly thrown into jail.

Karma stopped at the forcefulness of her jealousy. Usually she was a free spirit when it came to her relationships. If her partner found greener pastures, then she sent him on his way wishing him good luck. She had never felt so possessive of someone, especially someone she just met.

Karma made her way up to the bar with another drink order. She gave Buck a friendly smile. She was going to win him over. Have him back to the smiling, friendly Buck who rescued her last night.

She refrained from doing a victory dance when she saw the corner of his mouth quirk up in response.

She still had a huge grin on her face when she approached the table full of cowboys that had just arrived. “What can I get you gentlemen this evening?”

“Well, well, well look at what we have here guys?” A large blonde guy wearing a white cowboy hat and sporting a slight beer belly said while he looked her over as if she was a slab of meat.

Karma heaved a silent sigh. Oh God, what the hell are these idiots going to say?

“Well, it’s not often we see a gal like you around these parts.” The blonde guy’s companion remarked.

“You must be mistaken. I have seen plenty of beautiful women here tonight.” Karma spoke as she placed napkins in front of each of them. She waited with her pen poised to take their orders.

“What’s your name sweet thing?”


“What type of New Age bullshit is that?”

“It’s the kind of New Age bullshit that allows cosmic forces to render judgment without causing any harm to me. Now, what can I get you?”

“Well, for right now we will take a pitcher of beer” Blondie responded, “but my name is Eugene and later on, you and me are going to kick it up around the dance floor.” He said given her a suggestive look.

“One pitcher of beer.” Karma hurried away to get their beer and away from the leers.

She caught Buck looking over to the table she just left and then looked at her with a concerned frown on his face. “Are those guys given you trouble?”

She gave him a bright smile. She loved seeing the look of concern on his face. Not that she couldn’t handle these jerks, but she enjoyed the idea of having her honor defended just like any other girl by a handsome guy. Her heart warmed at the look in his eyes. Jerks like that were a dime a dozen, but Buck being willing to offer help, that meant the world to her. She could handle it, she had done so before, but it felt good to know he was watching in case things went south. And there was nothing she would like better than for Buck to be her knight in shining armor.

She thought that maybe he had been interested in Little Miss Model Thin at the end of the bar. But if that were the case, he wouldn’t have noticed the guys at the table.

“Oh, don’t worry about those guys I can handle them.” She took the pitcher of beer from the bar along with some glasses, heading back to Eugene’s table. She quickly and efficiently poured a glass of beer for each guy at the table before setting the pitcher down and collecting their money. As she walked away from the table, she pushed their comments to the side, promptly forgetting about those men.

Karma noticed that this bar was just like any other bar. As the night went on and more alcohol consumed the crowd got rowdier and rowdier. She delivered another pitcher of beer to Eugene and his friends after noticing the other pitcher was empty. As she walked away, Eugene followed her up to the bar, reaching out and slapping her on the ass.

Instinct made her look automatically in Buck direction.

He was rounding the bar with a thunderous frown on his face. Steam practically rolling out of his ears. She gave a quick shake of her head in his direction. He stopped at the end of the bar, a frown deepening between his brow.

She was surprised that he stopped. Most men wouldn’t have heeded her silent request to let her handle it. They would have just bulldozed in and taken over.

She turned back to Eugene.

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