Page 255 of Seductive Temptation

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Blazing Buck was a large renovated barn. The inside was full of natural lighting from the large skylights installed in the roof between the rough wooden beams of the ceiling. The hardwood floor of the barn was polished to a high sheen. By the end of the night, the scuff marks made by the many pairs of cowboy boots worn by line dancing patrons would diminish its appearance.

Lining the area around the designated dance floor was a wooden rail with more bar stools. It doubled as a place for people to set their drinks before shaking their groove thang. It also acted as a divider between the dance floor and the rest of the bar. The dark wood of the dance floor matched that of the long wooden bar at the back of the barn. Padded bar stools lined the bar every couple of feet.

A large mirror etched with a picture of a cowboy riding a bucking bronco engulfed in flames took up the wall behind the bar. Colored lights lined the mirror illuminating the etching and changing colors at random times. Bottles of alcohol lined the sides of the mirror. Tucked away on the side of the bar was a small cordoned off area. Blocked with a velvet rope with a tag claiming it to be the VIP area. A person could watch the whole bar from this area.

Karma noticed the VIP area also doubled as a stage. The design of the area was quite clever. With a first glance the stripper pole was easy to miss. It was overshadowed by the large speakers set up next to the karaoke machine.

Blaze pointed out both with pride in his voice during his tour of the place. “If we ever have a cause to open the VIP area and you are working it. It has its own private bar in the back.” He pointed to the miniature replica of the larger bar including the mirror in the VIP area.

“Awesome,” Karma was impressed by the upscale feel of the local hangout.

Buck closed the shop early enough to go by his house and clean up before he headed out to the Blazing Buck. He arrived just a few minutes after six o’clock to find his brother giving Karma a tour of the place. Blaze shot him a knowing look as he continued with the tour. The huge smile and a small wave he received from Karma tugged at his cock.

The bar officially opened at six. Hannah, one of the other waitresses came breezing in a few minutes after Buck did. She was a tall buxom blonde who believed big hair was still in style. Her hair had to add at least another three inches to her height and took enough hairspray to put an additional hole in the ozone layer. But that didn’t stop her big heart from rushing up to Buck and hugging him.

“Buck I’m so glad to see you outside your garage,” Hannah’s Texas accent was still clear even after years of living here in Colorado. He guessed that there were some things that you couldn’t get rid of no matter what.

“Hannah you know that I come out every once in a while.”

“But not often enough. I was starting to forget what you look like.” She gently punched him in his shoulder.

“I don’t see how you could forget what he looks like when he looks just like I do,” Blaze said to her as he sauntered up to them with Karma in tow. “Hannah this is Karma.” He introduced the two ladies. “She’s going to be working with us for a little while until Buck here gets her car fixed.”

“I’m glad to have another woman around.” Hannah greeted Karma with a welcoming smile. “Lisa, the other waitress and I try to civilize this place and keep it from getting too rowdy, but we can always use an extra hand.”

“I hope I do a good enough job.” Karma’s bubbly response made the three of them smile.

“Well, you can’t do any worse than the last few girls that passed through here.” Hannah shrugged as she walked to the back of the bar to the employees’ break room. “Come with me, and I can show you where you can store your jacket and where we can take breaks during our shifts.”

Karma flashed a glance and a quick smile at Buck before she followed Hannah. Buck felt that stirring in his heart again at her smile for him. His cock responded to the way Karma was sashaying away in her painted-on jeans. Her ass looked fantastic especially with the high heel boots she was wearing. He loved the fact that the boots raised her to a height just a couple of inches below him.

When Buck used to date, most of the women he dated were small, petite women or at least it seemed that way to him. Yet there was something about Karma’s full figure curves that called to him. She was the embodiment of a feminine beauty especially with her hair done up in a what seemed like a million tiny braids that cascaded down her back from the clip that was containing them.

“Taking up stalking?” Blaze nudged his shoulder pulling his attention away from the door she disappeared through.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

Blaze snorted as he made his way to the main bar. Buck went to sit on one of the bar stools, but Blaze shook his head at him.

“What?” Buck frowned.

He came to keep an eye on Karma, and this seat would give him the best view of the bar. He knew his brother well enough to know that Blaze would assign her to the section closest to the bar, so he too could keep an eye on her during her first shift. Buck wanted to be on hand in case some out of towner decided to hassle her. Sometimes strangers to One-stop believed that because it was a little town that they were just a bunch of hicks and their woman had to take anything dished out. He was there to ensure that everyone treated their waitresses with respect. Especially Karma.

“Don’t get comfortable man, Davis’s old man passed away, and he rushed home to be with his family. I’m gonna need your help behind the bar tonight.”

“No.” Buck’s voice was flat. He came here to make sure nobody gave Karma any trouble, not to work.

“Hey man, I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate. You know that. Besides your part owner in this place. Sometimes that means stepping up to the bar.” Blaze laughed at his play on words.

Buck just groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fine. But I get the section that Karma will be handling.”

“Now how come I knew you would be saying that?” Blaze threw the bar towel at his brother which Buck caught with one hand.

“You’re lucky that I love you.” Buck hopped off the barstool and made his way around the bar.

More cosmic forces at work.

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