Page 254 of Seductive Temptation

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“Yeah, that’s why you love me.”

“Good morning.” A warm female voice wrapped his heart in a sensual cocoon that wrapped itself around his heart and spread out through his body.

Buck’s cock stiffened. He tightened his control on his body, images danced in his head of that same voice moaning his name.

The desire hit him hard.

The brothers turn to see Karma standing behind them. The sunlight turned her hair into a gleaming halo.


Buck didn’t miss the glance she flicked at his brother before turning her attention to him. She gave him a bright smile. A warmth grew in that fickle organ in his chest while his cock planned the quickest way to bury itself in her.

“I hope that I didn’t come by too early?”

“No--no you’re fine.”

She gave him a bright smile. “Good.” She gestured to her car, “Do you know what’s wrong with her? Me and Betty Lou have seen a lot of miles together, and I’m hoping to see a lot more with her.”

“Well…Betty Lou,” Buck hesitantly replied, “is holding onto all of her secrets. She isn’t giving me any clue as to why she quit on you.”

“Really?” Buck had to force himself not to stare at the cute little frown that came to her face. God, she was so adorable. She leaned in looking at the engine as if she could identify the problem just by eyeballing the car before turning her brown gaze towards Buck. “Well, it stopped for a reason? Maybe I was meant to be in One-stop?”

“For what reason?” Buck shoved his hand into his back pockets. He rocked back on his feet.

She shrugged. “Karma.”

“Looks like you’re going to be a citizen of our fair town for a while.” Blaze grinned at him. Buck shoved his brother. “Buck is such a rude bastard by not introducing me then I have to introduce myself. Blaze Raleigh at your service.”

“Karma Martin.” Buck saw caution in Karma’s eyes as she looked at his brother. It did his heart good that she didn’t immediately fall for his charm. That’s what the asshole gets.

“How much is all of this going to cost?” she turned a concern gaze on Buck nibbling on her bottom lip.

Buck shrugged. “I can’t tell you that until I figure out what is wrong with it.”

“Well if you’re interested in earning a little bit of extra cash you could work at the Blazing Buck for the time you’re here,” Blaze offered.

Buck thought back on all those times that he came close to killing Blaze when they were younger. This one moment in time made him glad that he didn’t go through with it. “One of the outfitters has several big game parties coming in over the next few weeks, and the extra help would come in handy. Can you start tonight at six pm?”

“Seriously?” Karma did a little dance in place.

“What do you know about bars?”

“Well, I took a class.”

“What do you know about waitressing?” Blaze inquired.

“In a previous life, I used to be a waitress.”

“In a bar?”

“In a diner.”

“Same thing. We just don’t serve food.”

“Thank you. Thank you very much.” The sparkle in Karma’s eyes turned the warmth in his chest into a raging inferno. When she turned that excited gaze Buck’s way, it ached. Buck received a solid punch of desire to his gut at that smile it was like a breath of fresh air, so genuine it hurt.

“I guess I am going to sticking around for a while.” her smile never wavered. She gave Blaze a friendlier smile this time before turning on her heels, making her way back to the One-stop motel. Halfway there she turned back and waved to the brothers. Both brothers lifted their arms and returned her wave.

“You’re welcome.” Blaze said to him before strolling back to his house.

Buck stood there watching Karma walk away, enjoying the view. He made a mental note to close the shop early this evening and to be at the Blazing Buck for the start of her shift. Once Karma was out of sight he turned to go into his office.

Perhaps Karma lived up to her name.

Life just became worth living.

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