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“I would like to speak to Avarie alone for a minute,” Shane announced.

Curiosity burned in Trevor’s eyes, and he looked between her and Shane. Avarie did her best to keep her face neutral.

She bit back a curse, knowing the other King brother would grow suspicious of Shane’s request. This was the exact reason why she had urged Shane to keep what was between them a secret. His eyes since she’d walked in the room had rarely left her.

The heat in his gaze had simmered while they’d spoken of the upcoming meeting and the contract she’d helped fix. It wasn’t hers, but it would do for now. It certainly now had her touch, and she’d planned to go over some of the other contracts the team had drawn up for other adventures the company had planned for the future. She had grown quite impressed with the King brothers’ business dealings. With her in their corner, King Steele Industries would be unstoppable.

“Sure. I have plans and must be going. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Trevor hesitated before standing from his chair. He turned to her and nodded while grabbing his briefcase and papers. “Have a great weekend, Ms. Ingram.”

“You do the same,” she responded with a small smile.

Avarie sat in her chair. Trevor’s footsteps grew distant as he made his way out of the office. The door shutting behind him sent the room into complete silence.

She sat still, her eyes locked on Shane. The sight of him in his office was breathtaking. This was his domain. His alpha nature was commanding in the room that was masculine in nature. As the C.E.O of King Steele Industries, Shane had to be a shrewd businessman, but the way his heated gaze met hers, all of that disappeared.

He was a man who desired her.

Her core clenched as they continued to sit in silence.

“Come here, Avarie,” Shane said, interrupting the quiet.

“But, Shane—”

“Come.” He cut off her protest. His eyes darkened, and he gave a short wave of his hand.

She stood from the chair, and her heart raced. Her feet carried her around his massive desk. He pushed his chair back and reached for her. A gasp escaped her lips, his strong grip tugging her to fall onto his lap.

“I’ve been waiting to do this all day,” he growled. His grip on her hips was tight; he ensured there was no room between them. Their lips were a mere millimeter away from each other.

“Do what?” she breathed, her eyes totally captivated by his. She slowly ran her fingers along the short bristles on his face. She had taken notice of his shadow of a beard and instantly loved the slightly rugged look on him. Her breaths grew shorter at the feel of his cock pressing on her hip.

“This.” He crushed his mouth to hers, his tongue instantly thrusting forward past her lips.

A moan escaped her, his kiss dominating and hot. She slid her fingers along his neck and threaded them into his hair, needing to anchor her to him.

He pulled back and leaned his forehead against hers. They were both out of breath, trying to get control of themselves. Her pussy was drenched with her desire for him. She bit her lip and eased back, looking into his seductive pools.

“Shane—” she began but was silenced by his finger pressing on her lips.

“I know that you want to keep what is between us a secret, but I’ll have to be honest in that I don’t think I will be able to do that.”

“But you promised,” she whispered. She didn’t even want to imagine what would be said about her if it was known that she was sleeping with him. Her reputation would be at stake. She tried to move back from him, but he gripped her to him.

“As I’m sure you know, promises are meant to be broken,” he uttered. His large hand cupped her face, his thumb slowly stroking her lip.

No matter what, she was drawn to him.

That was dangerous.

She found herself melting into him as he leaned forward and brushed a chaste kiss on her lips.

“But that’s why there are contracts out there, to keep that from happening,” she murmured against his mouth.

“Do we need one between us? If so, draw one up that we’ll both agree to, and I’ll sign it.” A small smirk appeared on his lips, and he gazed into her eyes.

“What are you saying, Mr. King?” She lifted an eyebrow at him, with a tiny smile playing on her mouth.

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