Page 116 of Seductive Temptation

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“I’ve got a gift for you.”

She turned to look at me.

“What? For what?”

“It’s for the party…” I reached into the backseat and gave her a gold masquerade mask to put over half of her face.

She chuckled as she put it over.

“How do I look?” She asked as she faced me.

“Like my wife.” I answered nonchalantly as I slipped my gold mask over half of my face.

She gasped and just stared at me, her big brown eyes surprised not knowing what to say to that.

I chuckled and exited out the car. I made my way over to her door opening it for her,

“We’re here ma’am. Welcome to the rest of your life.” I said to her as she stepped out of the car and I placed my hand on her lower back.

The party was going great, everyone was having an amazing time. Essy had yet to approach Roe which didn’t make sense because every chance I was alone, she would speak to me. I looked over at Roe as I made my way back from the bathroom and there, she was at the bar hanging back with a champagne glass in her hand. She didn’t even notice the way the men looked at her as if she was the delicacy at the party instead of paying attention to the bride. I cocked my eyebrow as Jared’s little brother, Tim made his way over to Roe. He was speaking to her and she was smiling. I saw him stretch his hand out to her and she took it as he led her to the dance floor. I smiled at first because I knew how much she loved dancing even when we were younger, all she loved to do was dance not as a career but just for fun.

I watched Roe practically light up as ‘Anywhere ‘by Rita Ora began to blast through the speakers. Tim took her hand and spun her first which caused her to laugh. She was so beautiful and that sound coming from her made me even more grateful that I could take her somewhere where she could do that. They danced close but not too close as she mouthed the words to the song. She didn’t have a care in the world as Tim spun her again and brought her close to his body. The song ended, and they played another song, this one I heard blasting on the radio over and over, ‘Your Song ‘by Rita Ora again. Clearly, the DJ favored her or something. When the chorus came on, she turned away from Tim and faced me while she was dancing, she looked up at me and gave me a captivating smile, one that lit up her eyes even through the mask. She mouthed the lyrics as she looked me in the eyes.

I don’t wanna hear sad songs anymore, I only wanna hear love songs. I found my heart up in this place tonight, don’t wanna sing mad songs anymore, only wanna sing your song… cause your song’s got me feelin’ like I’m … in love.

After that, Tim turned her back around and this time he pulled her body close to his and his hand slowly traveled down her back stopping right above what I considered to be my most precious treasure. They continued dancing, I cocked my eyebrow feeling a new possessiveness take over me. Nope. I finally made my way to them, removing Tim’s hand shaking my head at him and he let go of her moving back a bit. I replaced his hand with mine on the small of her back. She turned to face me and smiled oh so sweetly that I couldn’t help it as I gently grabbed her jaw leaning down kissing her tenderly. I kissed her for so long I didn’t notice until someone cleared their throat repeatedly. I let go of her, not ready to separate from her lips, I pecked her lips once, twice, and another before I licked my lips turning to face whoever had the audacity to stop us.

Essy was in front of us with a nasty look on her face.

“This is why both of you didn’t show up yesterday?”

“Yes.” I answered before Roe could and Roe turned to look at me narrowing her eyes. The only other time she did that was back when she used to kick me in the balls. I smirked this time, I was no longer that little boy.

“It’s not like that Essy.” Monroe tried to explain.

I scoffed,

“It is like that Essy and is that a problem for you?” I asked her with my raging anger coming up quickly as I thought about what she did to Roe and me. How she kept us apart.

“I’m just saying its gross.” She shrugged.

“I’ve got a gift for you and Jared.” I said changing the subject, “Stay right here, I’ll be back.” I left the two there for a moment knowing I wanted them to be by each other when I gave her the gift.

When I came back, I heard some of the conversation going on between the two sisters.

“Really Roe? You’re that desperate that you’d open your legs to someone you claimed was your best friend? Do you even know Dom? No, you don’t. He’s not your friend anymore, he’s mine.” Essy spoke with such hatred. I made a face at her claiming me.

Roe rolled her eyes, I knew she was pissed not just at me but at her sister for lying to her.

“After your wedding, you’ll never see me again. I’m doing this for daddy not you anymore. I’ve tried. I’ve really tried to be good to you. To be there for you but you continue to stab me in the back. Your own sister. I’m so tired of you Essy. I’m so sick of it. Just…” She didn’t get to finish her sentence as I spoke into the mic.

“Can I have everyone’s attention please?” This caused Essy and Roe to turn to me now just noticing I was there the whole time.

Roe looked surprised while Essy shrugged like the conversation didn’t matter.

“Good! Now that I have everyone’s attention. I have a gift for my best friend and his future wife, Estelle.” Everyone clapped including them. “I know you’re going to probably kill me because I never told you this but as the future crown prince of the Netherlands, I would like to offer you two this very mansion that we’re hosting this party in. This is a wedding gift from me to you both.”

People clapped and gasped at the wedding gift along with the announcement of my title. Jared smiled because he always knew but I told him to shut his mouth or I’d castrate him. He needed his balls, so he kept his mouth shut. Jared was the first to come to me and hug me tightly.

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