Page 117 of Seductive Temptation

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“Thank you, Brother.” He loudly laughed, the joy written on his face.

“You’re welcome. You deserve it. Essy?” I called out to her after Jared let me go and I opened my arms for her.

I smiled at her, but she knew that smile that I was giving her wasn’t a joyous one. Reluctantly, she came into my arms hugging me, I leaned down a bit and whispered in her ear,

“I know you lied to me about Monroe never wanting to speak to me again. Your life is now mine Essy, one more wrong move and I will end you.” I moved out of her ear planting a kiss on her cheek as I removed myself from her trembling embrace.

I looked over at Monroe, she was smiling, a genuine smile as she was happy once again for those who didn’t deserve it or her.

“Oh, Jared, I’ve got one more present for you man.” I looked over at him as I announced it in the mic. “You are now going to be the CEO of HarBell & Co. take care of our baby.” I smiled at my best friend, the man who while in university, partnered with me to create a tech company focusing on anything and everything mobile. He was there from the beginning and he deserves it.

“What!” Jared exclaimed loudly and pulled me in for an even bigger hug. “I’ll take care of her man, I swear.” He said as he got out of my embrace.

“Where are you going?” Essy, who must’ve found her voice spoke. I didn’t like the way she was questioning me. Why hadn’t it bothered me before?

“Oh!” I said into the mic. “I didn’t want to do this at my best friend and his future wife’s party, but this seems like the best place to do it.” I looked over at Roe and stretched my palm out to her, waiting for her as she got closer and put her hand into mine. “Monroe and I have an announcement.”

Her hand trembled in mine. I held it tight as she tried to yank it out without anyone noticing. I applied a bit more pressure without looking at her.

“She’s decided to join me in The Netherlands as my future bride to be.” I winked at Essy who was fuming now as others clapped and some whistled.

Essy stepped closer not even caring about my threat from before. She looked at Roe as if she was going to kill her.

“It was you, wasn’t it? You came up with this, didn’t you? All because you can’t stand me being happier than you or having more than you huh? You’re a leech and will always be one. I swear mama should’ve aborted you. You know she told me that she was going to do it, but each attempt failed until daddy caught her one day and threatened to leave her if she did it. You don’t even know why she was doing that huh? You were a child made from an affair. Mama cheated on daddy and ended up pregnant and from then until the day she died felt like you were a curse. You are a curse and I hate you. I hate you just as much as mama did. You ruined her life and mine, you were the reason why daddy treated us like that. He no longer spoke to mama, but he stayed because of you. You were the cancer in our life and you are one in MINE!” Essy screamed the last bit embarrassing Monroe in front of everyone.

I began to act but Monroe beat me to it as she swung on Essy. She was shorter than Essy, but she got her in the jaw really good and then it was like something unleashed inside of Monroe because she screamed. She screamed so loud, so hard and it was laced with such raw hurt. She was hurt, and nothing could help her but this, so I let her have it. I watched as she got Essy to the floor and attacked her even more. She pummelled Essy as much as she could, Jared tried to step in and I placed my palm over his chest. I shook my head no. He was confused for a minute but then when I heard the first sob escape Monroe’s mouth, I acted. I walked over leaning down wrapping my arms around her waist and I picked her up into my arms. I wrapped her in my arms as I got to my knees shushing her.

“It’s okay baby, It’s okay. Shhh.” I rocked her until she fell silent. I looked up at Essy who was being helped up by Jared. Essy looked at the scene of us two and that ugly look appeared on what I used to consider a pretty face. “You were warned Essy, you really were.”

I scooped Monroe in my arms and turned away from Essy’s bloodied face, ripped beige dress and broken spirit.

“See you guys next week for the rehearsal dinner.” I said chuckling as I left.

Before I walked out, Jared spoke up.

“There won’t be a dinner.” I froze in my steps and turned back around to face him.

“What?” I was confused.

Jared looked at me and then Monroe in my arms then a look crossed his face. A pained look that I didn’t know even existed before. He sighed before he spoke turning to Essy who was crying hysterically at what he had yet to say,

“Essy… this isn’t going to work. I thought I could love you past all of these theatrics and dramatics but what you’ve done tonight. You’ve not only embarrassed me but also my entire family in front of our guests. Seeing you behave the way you did with my best friend Dom and his love for your sister, makes me see clearly what I blocked. You’ve been in love with Dom for so long, yet I refused to acknowledge it. I pretended that it didn’t exist, but I won’t do that anymore. I won’t be anyone’s second choice.”

Essy cut him off,

“Jared, you’re not my second choice, you’re not.”

“No! I know I am. You’ve just displayed it for the world to see and you ridiculed me in the process. I can’t do this anymore. We’re done, the wedding is off.” Jared looked at me and for the first time, my friend was in pain and it brought a sadness to me. “I wish you and Monroe all the happiness and don’t take too long to marry her. She seems like a joy. She is the one Dom, the one you’ve never looked away from.”

“I’m sorry.” I said to Jared and he shook his head.

“Don’t be sorry, just take your lady and heal her from the pain. I love you brother.”

“I love you too Brother. Call me if you need me, seriously.”

“I’ve got this.” He winked at me and then dismissed me walking away from the people in attendance with a crying Essy chasing after him.

I looked down at Monroe who was hiding in my arms all this time, I leaned down kissing her temple.

“Let’s get out of here babe.”

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