Page 27 of Dirty Ballistics

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Aspen Hale.

A single library assistant who moved around every few years.

Secretly she wished that he did want more from her, but pushed that thought down. Even if he did change his mind, she couldn’t.

She didn’t even know where she’d be at in six months much less a few years.

Loud rap music filled the air outside her home. She rolled her eyes as it grew louder. She despised her current neighborhood.

“Want-to-be thugs,” she murmured and moved over to her front window. She flopped down on her couch and peeked out through the curtain and took in the low-income neighborhood they had stuck her in.

The houses on the street were all similar to hers. Small and compact with neat, tidy yards.

It was the complete opposite of the cushiony suburb where she had grown up in California.

A few kids were out in the yard next door. They stood around the car as the music continued blaring from the speakers.

“Of all the areas they could have chosen, why this one?” she murmured. But she already knew the answer.

They wanted her in an inconspicuous neighborhood where not too many people would notice her coming and going.

Tomorrow she had a meeting with the marshals. According to the text she’d gotten from U.S. Marshal Ball, they would be preparing for her testimony. With Ray being indicted officially, the need of her testimony was getting moved up. The grand jury would be convening within a few weeks, and she would be expected to be there.

She pulled back away from the window and looked around her. The small living room practically sparkled. Determination had set in. After her big cry, she vowed that she wouldn’t let her current situation get her down.

Once this was over, she didn’t foresee herself moving back to California. The southern city of Columbia was growing on her.

She’d find somewhere to start over.

If only her future could include Declan.

Her cell phone ringing broke through her thoughts. She reached over and grabbed it off her coffee table. Declan’s name was splashed across the glass screen. She swiped her finger and answered.

“Hello?” she breathed.

“Aspen.” His deep baritone voice came through the phone and instantly sent a chill down her spine.

“Hey, you. How was your day?” she asked, trying to make idle conversation.

Come over and fuck me until I can’t speak, was what she wanted to say.

But that may not be appropriate. The man was probably on his shift protecting the city. The few times they had been together had left her becoming addicted to him.

“It was okay.” He chuckled.

She smiled, loving the sound of his sexy laugh.

“But it could have been better,” he added.

“How so?”

“I want to see you.”

His admission made her pause. She glanced down at her outfit and cringed. Leggings and a t-shirt were not sexy.

“When?” she asked, knowing she could be ready in twenty minutes.

“Now,” he replied.

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