Page 26 of Dirty Ballistics

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Bill called out that Declan was ready and to ensure all coordinators were off the course.

“Sergeant Owen, you may begin,” Bill announced.

Declan gripped the weapon in his hands and brought it up close to him. He steadily aimed it and entered into the course. He narrowed his eyes, on high alert for the targets to jump out at him. He walked down the main path of the fake town and instantly went into his hunter mode.

Time spent in the Navy had prepared him for any situation such as the ones that SWAT was called out to handle.

He tapped into his anger when the targets began to show. With his precision, he hit the targets while running through the course. He didn’t miss a bull’s-eye. His bullets hit directly in the middle of the target.

His feet moved on their own accord as he confidently made his way through the entire course. Bad guys appeared from behind closed doors, parked cars, and on the roofs of the fake buildings. He didn’t hesitate in unloading his bullets into them.

His anger grew with the thought that Mac couldn’t accept what he had told him about Aspen and their relationship. He released a growl and shot the last target, again hitting the bull’s-eye in the center. He had moved through the course too fast and wanted to continue. His anger was still boiling in his chest.

Maybe he’d go to the shooting range later.

Cheers and shouts echoed through the air, and he walked back through the course. His breaths were coming fast. He made his way back to the entrance.

“Shit, Declan. You got a perfect!” Iker slapped him on the back as he arrived. His team mates surrounded him, and he handed the weapon back to Bill.

“Remind me not to get on your bad side.” Zain chuckled.

“Well, men…” Declan began, taking his glasses off. He ignored Mac. At the moment, he was afraid if he said anything else, he’d say something he’d regret. Instead, he turned to his team and focused on them. “One day, you, too, could be as good as Declan Owen,” he finished.

They all scoffed and snickered at him. He tried to act as if he wasn’t bothered by Mac’s words as the guys joked. Ashton’s name was called for him to go next.

“Not sure how I’m going to follow Declan.” Ashton shook his head, moving over to the entrance.

Declan smirked and leaned against the fence, but he didn’t see the course at all.

Aspen’s smooth brown skin came to mind. Thoughts of the last time he was with her gripped him. After the breakfast disaster, they had gone back to her house and they’d spent a few hours in bed. He stiffened and knew he had to redirect his thoughts.

He glanced over and found Mac’s gaze on him. Declan nodded to him, knowing that deep inside, this was Mac’s way of protecting him. They had been through Hell and back when they’d been in the Navy. He knew Mac would take a bullet for him if need be.

Declan had killed for Mac so that he could have a life with the woman he loved.

He blew out a deep breath as the realization came to him. It was if someone had slammed a bat into his solar plexus.

He wanted what Mac had with Sarena.

Sarena had been able to accept Mac with his dangerous job of a police officer and SWAT officer.

Declan had never thought he’d see the day that he would want to settle down. Maybe it was because he was getting older. He blew out a deep breath, thinking it would be nice to have a little Declan or two running around.

He ran a shaky hand along his face, trying to concentrate on Ashton starting the course, but couldn’t. He couldn’t believe he was standing here contemplating having a future with just one woman.

His gut was telling him that his future was Aspen.

His gut was never wrong and had saved him multiple times when he’d been in the Navy and on a SWAT mission.

But could he trust his heart when it came to Aspen?

Aspen returnedher vacuum cleaner to the hallway closet. She had the day off from the library and she was trying to take advantage of the free time to clean her house. The Marshalls hadn’t given her a large place, and she’d tried her best to make it homely.

But today, her domain would be cleared from top to bottom. There wasn’t much for her to do, and Evie was at work, and Declan…

She let loose a sigh as she fluffed the pillows on her couch. She didn’t know what to think about him and what was between them. Any other day in the life of the old Aspen, she would have loved to see where this thing between them was going.

But she was the new Aspen.

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