Page 41 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 16

It had been twenty-four hours since Sarena’s kidnapping. Mac growled and leaned back against the wall of the conference room listening to Captain Donald Spook speak about the case.

“Officer Thompson has been upgraded to critical condition. He made it through the brain surgery to relieve the bleeding,” Captain announced. “I am being kept apprised of his condition. I’ve spoken with his mother just a few minutes ago and offered her our condolences.”

Nods went around. The air was tense with the thought that one of the boys in blue was hospitalized by a heinous act from low-life gangsters. The entire SWAT team was scattered around the room along with other investigators.

Officer Thompson had been found lying on the ground, having been beaten within an inch of his life. There was no sign of Sarena.

The Demon Lords had her.

It had taken everything Declan had to hold Mac back from turning rogue and going after her. It was Declan who’d forced him back to the station so they could develop a tactical plan to find Sarena.

It had torn his heart apart last night when he’d arrived at the Rucker’s home to inform them their daughter had been kidnapped by the notorious gang. The sound of Mrs. Rucker’s scream still echoed through his mind. That certainly wasn’t the way he’d wanted to meet her parents for the first time. He’d promised the Ruckers he’d bring their baby girl home safe and sound—and he would keep his promise.

“I’m going to turn this meeting over to Sergeant Owen and Sergeant Kaur from the sheriff department’s Gang Unit.” Captain Spook nodded to Declan who pushed off the wall from his position next to Mac.

He’d have to give his friend some credit. Declan didn’t sleep a wink last night. He was right by Mac’s side the entire time while they worked with the Gang Unit trying to pinpoint where the Demon Lords could be hiding Sarena.

“Listen up,” Declan announced, striding to the front of the room. He and Cameron had scoured it down to two locations that were well-known as hideouts of the gang. Declan stood before the other officers in the room and ensured he met the gaze of each and every one of them. “This is not only just a woman being kidnapped by a gang. No, this is personal. I know we are usually not ones to gossip or call in a favor, but I want you all to know that Sarena is the girlfriend of our very own Sergeant MacArthur. She’s one of us.”

Eyes shifted to Mac at the announcement. He could see the surprise in his team members’ eyes. None of them knew of the involvement between him and Sarena. His team mates moved to stand beside him in a show of support.

He knew without question they’d have his back against anything. He gazed at Zain and Iker who stood beside him and nodded his thanks. He met the gazes of Ashton, Brodie, and Myles and knew his team would be all in for whatever to save Sarena.

Murmurs went around the room. The air became tenser because now this was personal for them all. The Columbia Police Department protected their own. Once word got out, every man and woman who wore a badge would definitely be on the lookout.

“And that’s exactly why Sergeant MacArthur should sit this one out,” a voice said as the door swung open.


“Who the hell are you?” Captain Spooks snapped, his eyes narrowed on the men who’d entered the room with their FBI-marked blue jackets.

“Special Agent Rhett Gamble.” The FBI officer brandished his badge.

They all knew that sooner or later, the FBI would be showing up and trying to take control.

“Special Agent Gamble, my men are the best in the state, and we can handle this. My SWAT team does it all the time,” Captain Spooks replied, striding across the room and taking the agent’s badge.

“No disrespect to you and your team. I said I didn’t think Sergeant MacArthur should be leading the team. He has a personal relationship with the victim,” Gamble remarked, his gaze landing on Mac.

Zain and Iker had to hold Mac back when he flew forward with a growl. Chaos erupted as Mac moved across the room. It took three of his men to contain Mac and keep him from reaching the FBI agent. The two agents who were behind Gamble bounded inside as if to stop Mac as well.

“I’m not going anywhere. I will lead my team,” he snarled, narrowing his eyes on Gamble.

His men tightened their hold on him. He’d like to see the agent try to prevent him from going after Sarena. No one would keep him from going after his woman.

No one.

“That is a prime example why he should sit this one out,” Gamble yelled, trying to hide behind the captain.

“You don’t get to decide what my men do,” Captain Spook announced, moving away from the FBI agent. “And Sergeant MacArthur will lead his team. Sergeant Owen will be right at his side. I’d rather have Mac somewhere his team can keep an eye on him, otherwise, I’d have to lock his ass up to keep him from going after his woman.”

“Captain, I think this would be best discussed in your office,” Gamble said, straightening his jacket. He eyed Mac warily, his men releasing his arms.

Mac kept his eyes locked on the agent, his lip curled up in disgust.

“Sergeant MacArthur is the best SWAT officer on the force. He works best under pressure. I can vouch for him since we served in the Navy together. There is no one I trust more than Mac,” Declan assured, coming to stand next to Mac.

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