Page 40 of Dirty Tactics

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Mac pulled his phone back out and hit Sarena’s name again in his phone. He held it up to his ear, listening to the ringing.

“Come on, baby. Answer,” he murmured.

“Hello?” Sarena’s voice came onto the line.

He bit back a sigh of relief at hearing her.

“Sarena, baby. Are you still at work?” He glanced down at his watch and saw that it was close to her quitting time. As a nurse, he knew that they never got off on time and prayed this was one of those nights.

“Yeah, I’m still here. What’s going on? You sound funny,” she replied.

“I need you to listen to me. There is going to be a patrolman coming to the hospital for you. I need you to go with him—”

“Marcas, what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”

“I can’t explain now. Just do it. Officer Thompson is his name. He will escort you to your parents’ home when you get off. I’ll meet you there and I will explain everything as soon as I get there.”

Fear gripped Sarena as she packed up for the night. She wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but if Marcas felt she needed an escort to her parents’ then so be it. Deep in her gut she knew not to argue with him. Something in his voice had her believing that something was desperately wrong and she’d better do as he’d said.

“Everything is going to be okay,” she murmured to herself, shutting her computer down for the night. She was unable to get most of her audits done since the emergency room had picked up with a few traumas that had come in throughout the day. There was no way she would have just stayed in the office while her staff suffered. “I’ll have to finish this up tomorrow.”

She left her office and closed the door behind her, then walked through the department, waving to her staff as she headed toward the time clock. She swiped out and hefted her bag on her shoulder, tucking her badge into the side pocket. At the sound of her name being called, she jumped.

“Excuse me. Are you Sarena Rucker?” a voice called out.

She turned to see a patrolman standing at the end of the hallway. “Yes, I am.” She nodded, butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

“Evening, I’m Officer Thompson,” he announced as she walked toward him.

“Yes. Nice to meet you,” she said.

He reached out his hand, and she took it in a firm grip.

“I’m to escort you home,” Officer Thompson said, pulling his hand back from her.

“Yes, I received a call from Marcas—Sergeant MacArthur—informing me that I should go with you.” Her hand shook when she pushed her offending hair behind her ear.

He must have noticed her nervousness because he offered her a warm smile.

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll get you safely to your destination. We’ll take my car, and someone can grab yours later.” He motioned for her to follow him.

They walked through the corridors of the hospital leading toward the back entrance that led to the employee parking lot.

“I bet you don’t escort women home on the normal.” She chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

“I would say this is actually a perk of being a police officer.” He smiled, making her feel comfortable. They shared a laugh, and he held the door open for her. “They did leave this part of the job description out when I joined the academy.”

They exited the building, and the night sky greeted them. A patrol car was parked next to the curb, still running.

“So how long have you been a cop?” she asked as they walked toward the car.

“About— What the?” Thomson exclaimed.

Dark figures appeared from behind the bushes and rushed him.

Sarena, unable to let loose a scream from pain bursting forth from the back of her head, felt herself falling, then darkness claimed her.

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