Page 22 of Unexpected Allies

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Chapter 10

It was going to be a long night. Kole glanced at his watch and found it to be a little after one in the morning. He opened the kitchen door to allow Denis, Andre, and Vova to enter. According to Denis, they had found out some information.

Vova Ustinov was the Belotov Brigadier. He was in charge of a small group of men in the Belotov organization. These men were deep in the streets, and when hot information was floating around, they were usually the ones that would report it to Vova.

“Boss,” Vova greeted him with a nod as he entered the kitchen.

“Vova.” Kole nodded to him before shutting the door. “Let’s go in the breakfast nook.”

“Fresh coffee? Perfect,” Denis exclaimed as he grabbed a mug and poured himself some.

“It’s going to be a long night. Grab some coffee.” He motioned Andre and Vova over to the coffee pot. He grabbed his and Mila’s mugs before heading toward the breakfast nook.

His thoughts turned to their lovemaking and he couldn’t wait to send his men on so that they could continue what they’d started. He hadn’t even begun to get his fill of her. The taste of her still lingered on his lips and the sound of her screaming his name had his cock stirring. He willed it to settle down as he entered into the room.

“Here you go.” He handed her a mug and took a seat at the table next to her.

“Thank you,” she murmured in her native language.

“You’re welcome,” he replied in the same language.

“So, you speak Russian?” she asked with her eyebrow raised. It didn’t matter if she spoke English or Russian, her voice just did something for him. She could pick up a dictionary and read from it and his cock would get hard.

Since he never brought anyone to his home who wasn’t close to him, meant that he didn’t have random women’s clothes around. He had found her a pair of his old sweatpants that she had to roll up, and one of his old college T-shirts.

The little minx knew that she was sexy. The sight of her across from him with her dark hair flowing around her shoulders, had him wanting to snatch her off and carry her to his bedroom.

“But, of course. I may have been raised here in the States, but my parents stressed that I learn the language.”

He turned his attention to his men as they entered the room, and motioned for them to take a seat at the table.

“I’m sure you all know Mila Petrovna,” he announced. “Mila, you’ve already met Andre and Denis. This here is Vova, my brigadier.”

“Hello, boys.” She nodded before taking a sip of her coffee. The men returned the greeting before turning to him.

“What have you found out?” he demanded. All thoughts of sliding in between Mila’s legs again disappeared. If he couldn’t keep her safe, someone would kill her. Even though they were in rival organizations, tonight, everything had changed. Now that he’d gotten a taste of Mila Petrovna, she would be his, and no one touched what belonged to him.

“We found out, all right,” Vova announced. “According to word on the street, there was an attempt on Vladen Jaksch’s life tonight.”

“What the hell does that have to do with me?” Mila snapped. Kole held up his hand to calm her down. She had the reputation of being a hot head, and right now, the Tokhan brigadier was pissed.

“They’re saying that it was you,” Vova announced, his eyes meeting Mila’s. Kole’s eyes flew to her.

“If I had went after Vladen, it sure as hell wouldn’t have been an attempt,” she growled, slamming her fist down on the table. Kole’s cock jumped at her fierce nature. Down boy, he thought to himself. Nothing like having a raging erection while they discussed organization business. “He would be dead.”

“Well, be that as it may, you’re a wanted woman by the authorities and the Slokavich Bratva. Everyone is looking for you,” Denis said.

“There’s no way you can show your face right now,” Andre announced as he leaned back in his chair. “You’ll need to lay low until your brother and father can take care of this.”

“Was it the Slokavich that attacked at the hotel?” Kole asked.

Denis shook his head. “No. Apparently, Jaksch has put out a price on her head. They’re offering up two million dollars to bring her to them alive, and one if she’s dead, so lower gangs and thugs are making their play to capture her.”

“I need a phone.” Mila stood abruptly from the table. If looks could kill, they would all be dead. The men in the room eyed her wearily, knowing how dangerous she was. Kole nodded to Denis.

“You can use mine. It’s clean.” Denis handed her his cell phone.

“Thank you.” She paced near the window as she made her phone call. She broke off into rapid Russian with whoever she was speaking.

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