Page 23 of Unexpected Allies

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“Did anyone see her leave with me?” he asked, looking around.

“Not that we know of. One of my contacts with the police said that on the security video, once the smoke filled the room, she disappeared. Once the smoke cleared the room, she was nowhere to be seen,” Denis informed. Kole nodded, pleased. This would make it very easy for him to move her. No one would expect that she was with him.

“What evidence do they have?” he asked his men.

This was serious shit. The Slokavich and the Tokhan organizations were already known enemies. Anyone in the crime world would know that these were two of the largest rivals. An attempt on the boss would be a declaration of war between the two bratvas.

“From what they’re saying, hard evidence. Witness testimonies, fingerprints, and video proof,” Denis announced. Curses echoed around the room.

“All of that can be altered,” Kole announced. He held back a growl and knew that Mila was correct. Her reputation as that of a deadly woman who went after the pakhan of the Slokavich Bratva would have them planning a funeral.

“It sure as hell can be.” Mila walked back to the table, tossing Denis his phone. “I just spoke to my brother, and the Slokavich have officially declared war on us. There will be no going home for me now.”

“Denis, press on your contact and find out everything you can. I want to know what the police know,” Kole barked.

“Yes, boss,” Denis promised.

“Vova, I want your men to keep their ears to the streets. When Mila’s name is mentioned, I want to know about it,” he demanded, tapping his knuckles on the table. Her family may be handling clearing her name and dealing with the Slokavich, but Kole had been charged with keeping her safe, and that he would.

“We need to get you out of New York,” Kole announced. Her eyes flew to him. He knew that would be the best thing. Right now, things would be too hot. If law enforcement was involved, he was sure as hell that included the Feds. “I’ll do as your father asked of me, and we’ll leave tomorrow.”

* * *

Mila paced Kole’s bedroom.He could see that she was heated. He was surprised that steam wasn’t coming out of her ears.

“Attempt to kill someone? I’ve never missed a target, and I’m insulted that they would put it out there that I didn’t succeed on hitting a mark,” she muttered aloud, not knowing that he was standing in the doorway.

“Fuckers,” she muttered. He could see that her anger was building the longer she thought about it. “I have half a mind to leave now.”

“There’s nothing we can do now,” Kole announced from his position.

“Yes the fuck there is. I can go track down whoever started this shit and kill them with my bare hands. Slash them across the throat—”

“And that’s exactly what they would want you to do. We must keep our calm.” She turned and watched as he marched into the room. He came to stand in front of her and rubbed his hands along her arms.

“I’m good, Kole. The best. They would never see me coming,” she growled.

“That growl of yours is sexy as hell, and I know you’re the best. Your father entrusted you to me, and I will keep you safe. Even if I have to handcuff you to my bed.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” She glared at him with a look that he was sure would cause a regular man to tremble in his boots. Lucky for Kole, he was a man who was not easily intimidated.

“Oh, I would. I’m the best at what I do. Getting things moved undetected is my specialty. And yes, I would. I just happen to have a pair of handcuffs in my nightstand and I’m not afraid to use them. Matter of fact, I believe they’re brand new.”

“Handcuffs at the bedside? So, do all of your women like that kind of foreplay?” The glint in her eyes turned playful as she backed away from him.

He grinned on the inside, knowing that he had succeeded in changing her train of thought. He would have to keep her occupied for the rest of the night. There was nothing that they could do until tomorrow, when he could get to the shipping yard and make plans for moving her.

“Well, I’ll be the first to admit that when I have a beautiful woman in my company that I’m about to take to my bed, previous women are not the topic of discussion,” he murmured.

“That sounds fair,” she agreed. “Same here. The topic of my previous men is off-limits.”

“See, now that’s where we differ. Give me a list of the previous men who have had the pleasure of what you have between your thighs and I’ll go out and personally kill them myself,” he growled. Just the thought of someone else tasting her and taking pleasure in her was almost enough to throw him into a murderous rage.

“Oh no.” She shook her head, causing her dark curls to rest across her shoulders. “If I can’t go out and kill people tonight, you can’t either.”

“Is that so?” he murmured, pulling her back into his arms. Just the feel of her pressed up against him had him feeling things he didn’t know he could feel. Usually, once he had his fill of a woman he pursued, he would be done with her, no longer interested.

Not with Mila.

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