Page 31 of Spells and Bones

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Ben sighed but strolled to the door. In a moment I was alone, and I had my clothes on in a heartbeat. I snatched up the canister with its precious item and scurried downstairs to find Ben seated at the dining table. Food was already placed in front of him as he sipped on some warm coffee.

He gestured to the spread. “We have enough time to eat first.”

I raised an eyebrow as I took my seat at his right. “Do we have enough time to go visit the estate and go across the ocean to faraway lands, too?”

He raised his cup to me. “We have all the time in the world.”

“Provided you drag me out of bed to spend it,” I finished for him as I piled my plate with food.

Ben smiled and inclined his head to me. “Precisely.” I tossed a piece of toast at his head which he deftly caught in his empty hand and set it on his plate. “Thank you. I hadn’t had any yet.”

I wagged my food-laden fork at him. “Some day I’ll catch you unawares, and then I’ll have my revenge.”

He tipped his cup in front of his face and chuckled. “I look forward to that day.”

We finished that battle with the point going to Ben and were soon driving down the street. I couldn’t help but notice a difference in the fashion of many of the women. “Is it just me or has black suddenly become stylish?” I mused as I turned my head to study a pair of older women sauntering past wearing black velvet dresses while the dog they walked had on a black vest.

“They must be customers of the Bridal Beauties and the other shops,” he mused as a bemused smile appeared on his lips. “We should pay a visit to Madam Blurt and see what she has to say about the sudden change mid-season.”

“She’s probably busy ordering more bolts of black,” I commented as we passed by a little girl holding her mother’s hand, and both of them wore black slacks with dark vests. “So how popular is this Phantom band?”

Ben leaned back in the seat and clasped his hands in his lap. “If one were to inquire of the fairer sex of the city what they would give to have even a brief talk with the band, you would find many ardent fans who would give their mother-of-pearl necklace for as many minutes as they have pearls.”

“And those without such a necklace?” I wondered.

A twinkle slipped into his eyes. “They would tradeotherthings.”

And with that salacious thought, we rolled our way toward the Hall of Our Ancestors.


I couldn’t helpbut be reminded of our fellow dinner guests the last evening as I alighted from the carriage. The quiet of the previous day had been dispelled by the bustle of dozens of burly men in rolled-up sleeves and slacks. Wagons pulled by sullen horses were parked around the entire perimeter of the building in which was hidden Wexelman’s office. Stacks of crates and boxes were being pulled off the wagons and marched through a pair of wide doors at the rear of the building.

“Outta the way!” a gruff voice snapped at us as one of the large men stomped toward us with a small crate in his arms.

Ben drew me against his side and we made plenty of room for the busy ‘gentlemen.’ The crowded street meant we’d had to park on the opposite side, and my native guide slid us through the chaos and to the side entrance we’d used before.

Unfortunately, there was one problem. A verylargeproblem.

A man some foot taller than even the tallest of the carriers stood in front of the door. His arms were as wide as two of mine and were folded over his broad chest. He wore an overcoat over a simple shirt and pants, and his beady eyes glared at us as we approached.

A little bit of color drained from my face as the hefty man towered over everything, even the short workhorses. He had a face only a mother could love, if that mother was blind.

I glanced up at Ben. “Let me guess. The security staff?”

“Unfortunately,” Ben confirmed as we stopped before the giant. “Good morning. We’re expected.”

The man sneered at us. “Like I ain’t heard that one before, now get lost.”

Ben’s cool smile remained on his face. “But we truly are. If you would just inform Mr. Wexelman that we have-”

“That we’re all here!” another voice chimed in as a strange man leapt up to my side, squishing me between his arm and that of Ben. He draped an arm over my shoulders and I noticed a shirt under his coat that featured the Phantom logo on it. “And ready to meet with the manager of the Phantom!”

The bouncer turned his nose up before he jerked his head down the road. “Get lost.”

My captor glared at the guard. “Is that any way to treat some expected guests? Now do us a favor and go ask Wexelman about our coming-”

The bouncer grabbed a hold of the back of the man’s collar and lifted him a foot off the ground. The man gave a yelp and his hands clawed at me, but Ben drew me out of his reach. “Hey hey! Let go of me! Leggo!”

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