Page 30 of Spells and Bones

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I cast a scolding look up at him. “So when were you going to tell me about those robberies?”

He shrugged. “When they piqued my interest more than they have. As things are, there’s not much to tell. Thefts in the middle of the night with no connection between them other than valuables being stolen.”

“So it doesn’t pique the Dragon Thief’s interest?” I teased.

He grinned. “I didn’t say that, but I can hardly follow the burglars when there’s no lead. However, I am curious to know why they interest you.”

I stared ahead and shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s just something about it that causes an itch in my mind. Like the answer to the mystery is on the tip of my tongue.”

“Is it?” he mused as he glanced down at my mouth. “Is there any way I might help loosen it?”

I snorted as we trod the stone steps in front of his house. “You might take me out on a midnight jaunt.” I tapped the invisible ribbon on my wrist. “I could use some time outside without wearing this. Besides, it’ll give people time to admire the real me.”

Ben stopped us in front of the door and turned me so we faced each other. A soft look lay in his eyes as he grasped my upper arms in his gentle hold. “The ribbon merely hides your physical appearance. It doesn’t hide the beauty underneath.”

A crooked smile slipped onto my lips. “Corny, but I appreciate the effort.” I moved to grasp the door, but he kept a hold on me and I was forced to return my attention to him. “What?”

“I don’t speak those words lightly,” he insisted as he clasped my chin between his fingers. “No magic can truly hide a person’s real self. Their soul slips through and shows the world the truth.”

“And what’s that truth-telling you about me?” I wondered. He leaned down and pressed a light kiss on my lips. I came away from the touch with bright cheeks and a stutter. “W-what was that for?”

He grinned. “One truth for another.”

And with that, he opened the door and strolled inside. I shook off my shock and glared at where he’d gone. “Hey! Wait a sec!”

I scurried in and found Tully waiting for me in the entrance hall, but no Ben. Tully answered my unasked question with an unspoken reply as he nodded up at the stairs. I had taken only one step when I heard the door to Ben’s bedroom shut.

My shoulders drooped and I slouched my way to my own bedroom. “Damn him. . .” I mumbled as I removed my coat and dress.

I paused and glanced at myself in the tall mirror. There was that pretty redhead with the green eyes. I pulled the knot off the ribbon and the illusion fell away to reveal boring old me. My little old self stared at me with some apprehension, but all of that melted away when I touched a few of my fingers to my lips. They were still warm from his touch.

A smile slipped onto my own lips as I tossed the ribbon on the chair. I was tired, and I had a feeling a nice, comfortable sleep awaited me.

True to my intuition, my night was dreamless and without disturbance. Still, it was all too brief as the sun intruded into my room. I groaned and rolled over so I faced away from the life-giving and eye-blinding rays.

My attempts at further slumber, however, were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Millie?” Ben called out.

“Mhmph. . .” I replied.

I heard the door open and his teasing voice drifted over to me. “Still in bed?”

“And still asleep. . .” I mumbled.

He chuckled as I heard his footsteps traverse the floor to stop beside my bed. “But the sun is shining and the day looks to be a bright one.”

“Then go sing your poetry to the tulips,” I growled.

I heard a piece of paper flap about. “The tulips won’t appreciate the message I received this morning from Wexelman.”

My eyes shot open and I rolled over. Ben stood over me with a slip of creased paper in one hand. “What’s it say?”

His eyes skimmed the contents. “It says here that we have an introduction to meet with the Phantom himself. He can see us this morning before the band starts their rehearsals.”

I leapt out of bed and stood before my host glaring at him. “Why didn’t you tell me that in the first place?”

He grinned. “I thought you might want to sleep in a little more.”

“Bah!” I snapped as I scooted past him and snatched up my less formal attire. I was just in the midst of removing my nightgown when I recalled one little problem. That problem stood behind me with a mischievously appreciative look on his face. I partially turned toward him and stabbed a finger at the door. “Out.”

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