Page 24 of Spells and Bones

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“If you want to take it that way.”

I sighed and leaned my cheek against his chest. “I don’t want to take anything. I just want to figure out how my life became this crazy.”

He settled his chin atop my head. “Fate? My good luck?”

I closed my eyes and smiled. “You know how to make a girl feel special.”

“When she’s special, it isn’t hard.”

A shrill horn jolted us both out of our reverie. We raised our heads and watched a rowboat float past with an angry fisherman shaking his pole at us. “Watch where you’re going! You just sailed into my best fishing spot!”

Ben smiled and waved at him. “Sorry about that!” The man sneered at him but plopped himself down and began to reel in his line. Ben sighed and looked down at me. “I suppose I should watch where we’re going.”

“Before our trouble trumps your good luck,” I teased as I reluctantly extracted myself from his arms and lap.

And before I became a little too tempted.


The restof the voyage was uneventful and we returned to shore with our virtue intact, but not my land legs. I walked across the plank like I’d had one too many grogs. Fortunately, Ben was right behind me to catch me before I dropped into the drink.

And Bailey was there to grin at me. “Ya need more practice switching between the waters and the land, My Lady.”

“I’ll have to do that with a bathtub,” I quipped as I reached the pier planks without too much mishap.

“You could start tonight,” Ben suggested with that twinkle in his eyes. “We do have a supper appointment with the Lord and Lady Harper.”

It felt like someone squeezed my heart a little, and I couldn’t help but look down at myself. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea? I mean, I don’t really know the etiquette.”

He looped his arm through mine and guided me down the pier. “I will warn you when you have accidentally squeezed a fruit when I should have sliced it.”

I scowled up at him. “I’m serious. I want to make a good impression for my first outing into your society that doesn’t involve our mortal enemies trying to maneuver around us.”

A sly smile appeared on his lips. “Perhaps we’ll find another one there.”

I nudged his side with my elbow. “I’d rather not findanymore enemies anywhere.” I paused and furrowed my brow as we approached the waiting Ferox. “Speaking of those, our mutual ‘friend’ doesn’t happen to have a rogue’s gallery of odd antagonists, does he?”

Ben sighed as he helped me into the carriage. “There have been some rather unusual confrontations.”

I plopped myself down and faced him as he climbed in beside me. “Like with the, um, stabby people and their blindfolds?”

“Much in that vein, yes,” he confirmed before he turned his attention to Ferox. “To home-” Ferox darted forward and pushed us against the back of the seat.

“Is he evernoteager to go home?” I teased.

Ben chuckled. “Only when he has a full stomach of grass from the estate, a visit which is still owed to you.”

I shrugged. “We can’t do everything my first month here, and I don’t think I’d want to try. At least, I hope there’s more to see than that.”

He grinned. “So much more. The sights in the city alone would take a year to behold, but outside is an entire continent to explore, not to mention those civilizations beyond the fringes.”

One of his words conjured up a memory for me. “That Phantom poster mentioned a continent tour, too, and said it lasted a whole year. I’m guessing the continent is a big place.”

Ben nodded. “It covers many thousands of miles both along the coast and up to the northern parts where snow is a year-round occurrence.”

I grinned up at him. “You guys have snowball fights?”

His own eyes twinkled down at me. “Yes, and if I might say, I excel at the sport.”

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