Page 25 of Spells and Bones

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I snorted and looped my arms around one of his limbs. “Then I guess we’ll have to pair up in a fight. Me and you against the world.”

He chuckled. “I like those odds.”

We soon reached Ben’s elegant home and Tully awaited us. The setting sun was low enough that the long shadow of the home stretched across the courtyard and covered us in a chill air. I was glad to be in the warm and cozy home, and even more glad to find that a crackling fire awaited me in my room.

There was also an elegant dress slung over the back of the chair. I lifted an eyebrow as I wandered over to the attire. The silken surface shimmered in the firelight, and it was as soft as it looked as I brushed my fingertips down its front.

The dress also looked familiar, and I couldn’t help but brush my fingers over the ribbon tied around my wrist. I moved over to the closet and took out the portrait of Ben’s ancestress which I studied by the light of the fireplace. She was definitely wearing the same dress that was before me. It was a simple white affair with a medium-length dip in front and heavy straps. There were a few frills about the short sleeves, but the dress was otherwise simply adorned. Its shape and the wearer were what made it special.

I didn’t feel special enough for it, but nonetheless, I slipped into it. The dress fit nearly perfectly, though my hips were slightly larger than those of his ancestress. It meant the attire was stretched a little tight across the front, accenting even more my womanly curves.

I removed the dress and took the warm bath prepared for me. By the time I was finished and had my hair tied up in the same manner as Lady Harper’s style, the sun had disappeared. I still wasn’t sure of my ensemble until I walked down the stairs. Ben and Tully waited for me in the entrance hall, and as I joined them there was admiration in Ben’s eyes, and even Tully looked a little in awe.

I spread my arms wide and gave them a sheepish smile. “Well?”

Ben smiled and offered me his arm. “I feel unrefined next to you.”

I snorted and swatted his arm. “Don’t sell yourself short. You look perfectly handsome.”

“I’m glad you say so,” he replied as I took up his arm.

He led me out the front door and onto the street. I hadn’t frequented this part of the city very often, and I studied the elegant homes along the cobblestone road. They were all much like his in style but with their own little touches. Some had balconies on the second floor while others had lavish gardens instead of lawns. The house Ben led me to, one of those across the street and at an angle from his own, had a second-floor balcony and a simple flower garden out front.

A half dozen elegant covered carriages sat out front on the street, and my heart skipped a beat as I looked up at Ben. “We’re not late, are we?”

He shook his head. “On the contrary, we’re half an hour early.”

We strolled up the elegant stone walk and to the front door where Ben pulled a thick rope. A soft twinkling of bells jingled inside, and a moment later the door was opened by a man of sixty with short gray hair slicked back so tightly the strands looked plastered to his skin. He wore a simple black suit and white buttoned undershirt. I didn’t need three guesses to know if a murder took place, this would be the guy to do it.

“Good evening,” he greeted as he simultaneously stepped to one side and bowed his head to us. “You are expected, Count Castle and My Lady.”

“Millie Lucas,” Ben corrected him as we stepped inside.

“Miss Lucas,” the gentleman affirmed as he shut the door behind us. “If you will follow me.”

The home was not wider than Ben’s abode, but it was definitely deeper. We ventured into the west wing which was the parlor, but the butler led us through that and a music room before we reached a salon. The only difference between the rooms was the wallpaper was more flowered and the furniture more plush. A large fire crackled in the hearth and seven people were seated or standing about the room with cups of tea in hand.

At our arrival, all the chatter ceased and everyone looked up at us. I couldn’t help but shrink beneath the attention of so many finely dressed gentlemen and ladies.

The butler used a hand to gesture to us. “May I present Count Benjamin Castle and Miss Millie Lucas.”

Lady Harper stood beside the coffee table with a teacup in her hands. She set the piece of fine china down and hurried over to us with a bright smile on her face. “Good evening! I am so glad to see both of you.”

Ben smiled and inclined his head to her. “We would not miss one of your fine dinners for the whole of the world.”

She laughed and waved a hand at him. “You flatter me, Count!” Her attention fell on me and she grasped one of my hands in both of hers. “Allow me to introduce you to my other guests. They are very eager to meetyou.”


I was reluctantly drawnaway from Ben and into the crowd. The first contestant was a man of about forty who stood serenely beside the hearth. He had an impressive mustache and a wine glass was clasped in his slender hands. “This is my husband, Lord Harper. My dear, this is Miss Lucas.”

He smiled and bowed his head to me. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Lucas. I do not recognize that family name. Are you a newcomer to our fair city?”

“Very new,” I assured him as I was led onward to an elegant couple.

The older woman was slightly plump but with a welcoming smile on her face. The gentleman beside her appeared to be the same age and habit of eating, as he held a biscuit in one hand and his glass in the other.

“This is the Duke and Duchess Ahearn,” Lady Harper introduced me.

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