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Jenna's bewitching face instantly sears itself into my mind's eye - those soft, kissable lips parted in a breathless gasp as my body covers hers. Her slender fingers threading through my damp hair as I bury my nose in the tantalizing haven of her throat and breathe in her intoxicating, feminine musk. The silky warmth of her thighs parting in blatant invitation as my hips surge forward, burying myself to the hilt in her welcoming heat as she cries out my name in mindless ecstasy.

A harsh groan tears from my lips as my fist begins pumping in harsh, unforgiving strokes, my entire body thrumming with the relentless driving pulse of my wolf's feral demand to claim our mate. I can almost feel the phantom caress of Jenna's soft curves pressing against me, her nails scoring delicious lines of fire down my back as I take her with hard, punishing thrusts.

Ours. Mate. Claim. Take.

The litany chants through my mind, fueling the rapidly building crescendo of pleasure and need spiraling through my veins. Myharsh breaths turn to ragged pants, sweat beading on my brow and chest as I chase that elusive oblivion.

And when it finally slams into me with staggering force, it's Jenna's face I see imprinted against the whiteout of ecstasy - her hazel eyes dark with want, her pouty lips parted in a breathless cry of my name. A deep, guttural roar tears from my throat as I shudder through the mind-numbing release, my knees nearly buckling from the sheer intensity of it.

It's only when the final tremors have ebbed that the crushing weight of reality comes crashing back down around me. With a shuddering breath, I slump back against the shower wall, suddenly feeling as drained as if I've just weathered the brutal onslaught of a hurricane.

Jenna is my mate.

The words ricochet through my scattered thoughts, their weight slowly settling over me.

It's impossible. This can't be happening.

Yet, the more I attempt to rationalize it away, the more my wolf rages in defiance. The mating instinct is absolute. To deny it would be to deny the very essence of what makes me a shifter.

But she's human...

I don't know how long the water rushes over my form before the knock comes at the door - a rapid, impatient tattoo that can only be Hannah. Shutting off the taps with a twist of my wrist, I snag a towel and knot it around my waist before wrenching the bathroom door open with more force than is strictly necessary.

"What?" The growl that leaves my lips is more animal than human as Hannah's familiar scent filters in.

She raises one delicate brow at my state of undress before her expression settles into that no-nonsense look I know so well. "You're late for dinner. And unless you want Grandfather breathing down both our necks about respecting pack traditions again, I'd suggest you get your broody ass downstairs."

The words punch through the fog of my thoughts just enough to dredge up a shred of duty. I give a curt nod, then shut the door once more to dress. Black henley and jeans, simple and functional. A few raking breaths later and I force the wolf down enough to descend the stairs without fear of losing control.

The dining room is a riot of delectable scents from the kitchen hearths - roasted meats, buttery vegetables, fresh baked bread. But beneath it all is that same elusive hint of flowers that has my wolf prowling restlessly.

My eyes are instantly drawn to the curvy figure hovering near the long table, her hands fidgeting nervously with her hair as she chats with Marcus and Elder Thorne. My grandfather's expression is set in its perpetual stern lines, but my beta's warm tones seem to be putting the woman at ease. At least for now.

Hannah appears at my side, her hand a light pressure at the small of my back as she guides me forward. "Come on, before you get us in trouble," she murmurs under her breath as we approach.

Jenna turns at our footsteps, her hazel eyes lighting up with a brilliant smile that's like a physical caress against my heated skin. She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and says softly, "It's really nice to finally meet you, Ryan. Hannah's told me so much about you."

The sound of my name on her lips is like a bolt of lightning through my veins, the wolf snarling in approval at the claim,however unintentional. I manage little more than a stiff nod, afraid that opening my mouth will unleash the torrent of instincts roiling beneath the surface.

"Yeah, he's always busy with pack business," Hannah throws in with a teasing grin. "I've barely had a chance to introduce you two."

Marcus greets me with a companionable clasp of arms, his familiar pine and smoke scent helping to temporarily ground me. "Good to have you home, Alpha." His shrewd hazel eyes study mine for a beat too long before flicking to Jenna and narrowing ever-so-slightly. He knows... he can scent it.

Thankfully, my grandfather interrupts whatever comment he might make. "Well, now that we're all here, let's eat. I'm sure Ryan is hungry after his travels." His tone is pointed, a subtle rebuke against whatever inappropriate behavior he expects from me.

I bristle at the unspoken reprimand but force myself to take my customary seat at the head of the long table without comment. The others filter in to fill the places on either side, with Jenna ending up directly across from me. The scent of her is a physical torment now, swirling through the air with every subtle movement.

Platters of food are laid before us, but my appetite has fled in the wake of this new, all-consuming hunger. I force myself to take obligatory bites, chewing the tender morsels with a woodenness that tastes like ash on my tongue.

"Did your trip go well?" Jenna's voice is a balm against the tension thrumming through me, her expression open and curious.

"Fine." The single word is as much as I can force out in my current state.

A small furrow appears between her brows at my curt tone, but before she can respond, Elder Thorne speaks up from the other end of the table.

"Jenna, was it? I don't believe we've been properly introduced." His assessing gaze rakes over her as if weighing her worth. "Hannah says you're a teacher in town?"

She nods, squaring her shoulders beneath his stern scrutiny. "Yes sir. I teach kindergarten at Whispering Pines Elementary."

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