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Elder Thorne gives a solemn dip of his grayed head. "It's a shame about your home. Tragic circumstances. I hope it won't be too long before you're back on your feet." His eyes cut briefly to me before returning to her. "I expect you understand the... complexities of your situation here among our kind."

The implication is as subtle as a sledgehammer. Jenna seems to sense the undercurrents swirling beneath the surface and shrinks back ever-so-slightly. "Of course. I'm so grateful for Hannah and her family's kindness. I won't overstay my welcome."

Hannah shoots our grandfather a quelling frown but he merely arches one bushy brow in response. The silent clash of wills hangs thick in the air.

The remainder of the meal is a stilted, uncomfortable affair of forced conversation that I contribute little to. I'm a coiled spring by the time Elder Thorne rises with a creak of his chair, nodding to us all.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm feeling my age this evening. I'll retire to my quarters." His gaze lands on me with censure. "Do try to respect our guests while they're under this roof, Ryan."

The rebuke hangs like a lead weight over my shoulders as he departs. I can feel the weight of Marcus and Hannah's concerned looks, but I refuse to meet their questioning stares. Instead, I shove back from the table with a screech of wood on hardwood and stalk from the room without a backwards glance.

Escape is a necessity before I do something rash and primal in front of them all. In front of her. I make it as far as the darkened hallway toward my rooms before the scent hits me - that same honeysuckle fragrance, rich and undeniable.

A soft footfall has me spinning, shoulders tense as a bowstring as Jenna appears in the shadows. Her features are pinched with worry.

Before I can steel myself, Jenna's soft, worried voice breaks through the tense silence. "Ryan, I... I noticed you seemed uncomfortable around me during dinner. I just wanted to say I understand if me being here is causing any trouble. I'll try to find a new place to stay as soon as I can."

Her words are like a knife twisting in my gut, and my wolf lets out a low, warning growl at the thought of her leaving. I wrestle down the impulsive need to close the distance between us and take her in my arms, instead fixing my gaze somewhere over her shoulder.

"It's not... necessary," I manage to grind out, my voice rougher than I'd intended. "You’re welcome here."

Her eyes search mine, as if trying to piece together the jagged shards of my pretense. Her small nod tells me she's seen more than I want her to. "Thank you, Ryan. I appreciate it."

With a curt nod that feels more like a dismissal, I mutter, "Good night," before turning on my heel and retreating towards my room. It's the best I can manage when every instinct within me claws at my restraint, screaming at me to turn back and claim what's mine.

Chapter 3


I toss the lacy black underwear into the bottom drawer of the ornate dresser, my cheeks flushing with heat. What possessed me to buy those? They're not my usual practical cotton style, but for some reason, when I was out shopping earlier, trying to replace my wardrobe, these caught my eye.

Maybe it was the same reckless impulse that led me to splurge on that flirty sundress—the bright red one that hugs my curves in all the right places.

Shaking my head, I try to dismiss the thought. It's ridiculous, really. I'm a twenty-eight-year-old kindergarten teacher crashing at my best friend's family estate after a freak fire destroyed my home and left me without anything decent to wear. Lacy lingerie and figure-flattering dresses should be the last thing on my mind right now.

And yet... I can't quite banish the image of Ryan's stormy blue eyes drinking me in over dinner last night. The way his intense gaze seemed to linger on the modest vee of my blouse, making my skin prickle with an electric awareness.

With a frustrated groan, I flop back onto the plush queen-sized mattress, staring up at the vaulted ceiling. This is ridiculous. Ryan is Hannah's older brother—the brooding, reclusive alphaof the Whispering Pines pack. Not to mention, he's a freaking wolf-shifter, and I'm just... me. An ordinary human kindergarten teacher.

There's no way a guy like him could be interested in someone like me.

The bedroom door swings open and Hannah breezes in, her bright green eyes sparkling with her usual sunny energy. "Need any help unpacking?"

Grateful for the distraction, I sit up and force a smile. "Yeah, that would be great." I gesture to the remaining shopping bags scattered across the rustic hardwood floor. "I still have a few things to put away."

"This is so exciting!" Hannah chirps, scooping up an armload of bags. "It'll be like a never-ending slumber party."

I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm, the knot of tension in my chest loosening slightly. "You make it sound like we're a couple of kids at summer camp, not adults living together."

"Why not?" She winks at me over the teetering stack of bags. "It'll be just like old times, before we were real, responsible grown-ups."

"You know, Jen, I've been thinking... you don't have to feel rushed to find your own place. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need."

My chest tightens with a surge of gratitude and affection for this incredible woman who has been my closest friend for nearly a decade. Leaving my childhood home behind was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but having Hannah's steadfast support makes the transition bearable.

"Are you sure?" I ask, unable to mask the hopeful lilt in my voice. "I don't want to overstay my welcome or make things complicated for you and your family."

Hannah waves a dismissive hand. "Don't be silly. Ryan and the pack elders might grumble a bit, but they'll get over it. This is as much my home as it is theirs."

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