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A slight rustle in the undergrowth has me glancing up. At first, I see nothing out of the ordinary. But then a massive wolf emerges from the shadows beneath a gnarled oak, rich brown fur rippling like liquid silk over its powerful frame.

As I watch with wide eyes, the wolf's form begins to shift and contort. Its snout shortens, thick fur receding as human features emerge. Within moments, a man is standing before me, tall and powerfully built with sinewy muscle rippling beneath bronzed skin.

Oh sweet heavens...

It’s Ryan.

The man is a sculptural masterpiece, like one of Michelangelo's creations brought to life—all sinewy muscle and bronzed skin stretched taut over a body carved from granite. My appreciativegaze rakes over the ridges of his abdomen, the corded strength of his thighs, the broad expanse of his chest dusted with a spattering of dark hair...

Heat flares in my cheeks as it dawns on me that I'm gawking like a lovesick teenager, and I tear my eyes away, my heart thundering an erratic staccato against my ribs. Unbidden, images of that powerful frame pinning me beneath him flash through my mind, and a new kind of ache blossoms low in my belly.

Get a grip, Jenna!

From the corner of my eye, I glimpse movement as Ryan reaches for something tucked behind the hollow of a gnarled oak—a bundle of clothing, I realize with a mixture of relief and disappointment. My eyes can't seem to resist flickering back toward him as he tugs on a pair of loose sweatpants, my teeth sinking into my lower lip.

A soft chuckle rumbles from his chest, and I tear my eyes away, suddenly fascinated by the intricate patterns of the moss-covered stones at my feet. "There are stashes of clothes scattered around the pack lands," he explains, his voice a deep, velvety caress that does nothing to calm the raging desire swirling within me.

"I didn't mean to intrude," I mumble, the words emerging slightly breathless as I struggle to rein in the raging torrent of emotions and urges swirling within me.

One dark brow arches in response as Ryan levels that scorching stare at me once more, seeming to drink me in with those molten eyes. "And yet, you're still here." His voice is a deep, gruff rumble that vibrates straight through me, resonating inthe most deliciously unsettling way. There's an edge to his tone, something raw and untamed lurking beneath the surface.

A frisson of anticipation dances along my nerves, and I swallow hard, my tongue suddenly thick and clumsy in my mouth. "I didn't realize you were here," I manage after a moment.

One corner of Ryan's lips curves into the barest hint of a smile that somehow seems more lupine than human. "It's pack land," he rumbles, taking a few measured steps toward me until scarcely an arm's length separates us. "Which means its here for anyone."

The rich, earthy scent that clings to his bare skin is utterly intoxicating at this proximity, filling my senses and muddling my thoughts into a heady jumble. Is it just my imagination, or does he seem to be leaning imperceptibly closer with each passing heartbeat?

"You're the wolf I saw the other night," I blurt out, heat flooding my cheeks at the memory of my vulnerability, my raw anguish laid bare before him.

A flicker of something—regret? Shame?—passes across his features before he gives a solemn nod. "I didn't mean to intrude on such a private moment. I just..." He trails off, running a hand through his tousled locks. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

My heart constricts at the unexpected tenderness in his voice, at the concern etched into the lines of his face. In that moment, I see past the gruff exterior, past the alpha bravado, and catch a glimpse of the man beneath—a man haunted by ghosts of his own.

"What's wrong, Ryan?" The words slip out before I can stop them, my voice barely above a whisper.

He stiffens, those broad shoulders tensing as if bracing for a blow. For a heartbeat, I think he's going to brush me off, erect those impenetrable walls once more. But then, something shifts in his eyes, a flicker of vulnerability that steals my breath away.

"It's the anniversary of my aunt Carol's death," he murmurs, his gaze distant, haunted. “And... well, it's still fresh, even after all this time." A muscle twitches in his jaw, betraying the depth of his pain.

My brow furrows, and I tilt my head, considering him. There's a depth of sorrow in his words that tugs at my heartstrings, a glimpse into the man behind the gruff exterior.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask gently, patting the moss-covered log in invitation.

He hesitates, conflict flickering across his chiseled features. For a moment, I think he'll rebuff me, retreat back into the safety of his stoic facade. But then, surprising us both, he sinks onto the log beside me, leaving a respectable distance between us.

Ryan's jaw tightens, and he stares into the distance, lost in memories I can only imagine. "Fifteen years ago, my aunt Carol was killed by a group of humans who despised our kind." His voice takes on a hard edge, laced with bitterness and pain. "She was one of the kindest souls you'd ever meet, and they slaughtered her out of ignorance and fear."

A knot forms in my throat as the gravity of his words sinks in. To lose someone so senselessly, so violently... my heart aches for the young man he must have been, forced to grapple with such a devastating tragedy.

"Ryan, I'm so sorry," I murmur, resisting the urge to reach out and offer a comforting touch. Something tells me he wouldn't welcome it, not yet.

He shakes his head, jaw clenched. "That's not the worst of it." A muscle ticks in his cheek as he struggles to maintain his composure. "My cousin, Theodore, was there that night. He witnessed the whole thing."

A startled gasp escapes my lips as the pieces click into place. The rift between the packs, the lingering animosity - it all stems from that one horrific event.

Ryan's hands clench into white-knuckled fists, and I can practically feel the anguish rolling off him in waves. "After that night, he changed. The carefree boy I grew up with, my best friend... he was gone, replaced by this seething, vengeful creature consumed by hatred."

"I'm so sorry you lost him," I whisper, wishing I could shoulder some of the burden he carries. "That kind of trauma... it changes people in ways we can't fathom."

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