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The second the door closes behind her, I'm rounding the front of the truck, every nerve ending in my body thrumming with a singular, driving need – to claim this woman as mine in every sense of the word. I wrench open the driver's side door and fold my large frame behind the wheel, the confines of the cabseeming to shrink around me as the scent of Jenna's arousal envelops me in a thick, intoxicating haze.

I don't bother starting the engine. A harsh growl rumbles up from the depths of my chest as I turn to face her, the wolf in me straining against the last vestiges of my control.

Jenna's chest is heaving, her lips parted and eyes wide as she watches me with a combination of trepidation and blatant longing. "Ryan..." she whispers, her voice a sultry murmur that fans the flames of my desire.

Without a word, I reach out and trace the line of her jaw with the back of my knuckles. Her skin is soft, like velvet beneath my touch. Slowly, I trail my fingers down the column of her throat, feeling the rapid flutter of her pulse against my fingertips. The scent of her arousal is maddening, a siren's call that I can no longer resist.

"I need to taste you, Jenna," I growl, my voice barely recognizable to my own ears. "Every. Inch."

Her breath hitches, eyes darkening with desire as she nods her consent. Empowered by her trust, I slide closer to her on the bench seat, my hands skimming up her thighs to grip the hem of her skirt. With deliberate slowness, I inch the fabric upward, baring her to my hungry gaze.

A low, appreciative sound rumbles in my chest at the sight of her, clad in nothing but a scrap of lace that does little to conceal the evidence of her arousal. I hook my fingers under the flimsy material, tugging it down her legs and tossing it aside with a growl of impatience.

"So beautiful," I murmur, drinking in the sight of her. I trail my fingertips along the delicate skin of her inner thighs, spreading her open for me. "So perfect."

Jenna whimpers, her hands fisting in my hair as I lean in and run my nose along the soft mound of her sex, inhaling deeply. "Ryan, please..."

The wolf within me howls in triumph as I finally give in to temptation, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to her core. Her taste is exquisite, sweet and musky and utterly addictive. I flick my tongue out, teasing her sensitive flesh as she squirms beneath me.

"You taste like heaven," I groan, my voice vibrating against her. I delve deeper, exploring her folds with an insatiable hunger as she cries out my name, her body bowing off the seat.

I slide one finger inside her, then another, stretching her as I continue to worship her with my mouth. Her inner walls clamp down around me, her body undulating in time with the rhythm of my fingers and tongue.

"Oh God, Ryan... don't stop," she pleads, her voice ragged with need.

"Never," I rasp, locking gazes with her as I curl my fingers, seeking out the spot that will send her over the edge. Her body tightens, an exquisite tension coiling within her as I work her higher and higher.

With a keening cry, Jenna shatters around me, her release pulsing against my fingers and tongue. I lick her through it, drawing out her pleasure until she's limp and spent, her breaths coming in shallow, trembling gasps.

As the aftershocks subside, I withdraw my fingers and press a gentle kiss to her inner thigh. Her scent and taste are imprinted on me now, a brand that sears into my very soul. My wolf is sated, for the moment. But as the haze of desire begins to clear, reality comes crashing back.

With a harsh sigh, I pull away from Jenna, my movements jerky and abrupt. Her eyes flutter open, confusion clouding their hazel depths as she registers the shift in my demeanor.

"I... I need to take you home," I grind out, the words tasting like ash on my tongue. I can't—won't—entangle her further in my life until I have a better handle on things.

Jenna's brows draw together, a flicker of hurt crossing her features before she masks it with a nod. "Okay," she murmurs, her voice small as she adjusts her skirt and smooths back her tousled hair. "If that's what you want."

The uncertainty in her tone gnaws at me, but I ignore it, reaching for the ignition and starting the truck with a roar that does nothing to drown out the howling of my wolf.

Chapter 6


The gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of wildflowers, a soothing caress against my flushed cheeks. As I wander the winding paths that snake through the Thorne estate's lush grounds, my mind can't help but drift back to the smoldering embers that consumed the only home I've ever known.

A lump forms in my throat as the memory of that night resurfaces—the scorching orange glow reflecting in the tears that streamed down my face, the smell of smoke, and the sickening realization that everything I held dear was reduced to ash. My fingers instinctively curl into fists, nails digging into my palms.

With a shaky exhale, I force myself to uncurl my fingers, letting the tension seep out of my muscles. I need to move forward, find a new place to call home. But the thought of apartment hunting feels overwhelming.

It's not just the thought of my lost home that's weighing on me right now. There's an undeniable attraction simmering between Ryan Thorne and me, an electrifying spark that has my pulse fluttering every time our eyes meet.

From his side, it seems rooted in pure, carnal desire—the kind of scorching lust that has his gaze lingering a little too long on the curves of my body. I can understand the allure; the chemistrybetween us is intoxicating, potent enough to short-circuit even the most level-headed thoughts.

But for me, I want more than just a fleeting physical connection. I crave the intimacy that comes from truly knowing someone, from baring your soul. Yet that terrifies me as much as it entices, because losing loved ones has left wounds that may never fully heal.

It's a terrible conundrum with no easy answers. Part of me longs to surrender to the magnetic pull between us, while the other part is desperate to protect what little remains of my heart.

For a few blissful minutes, I'm able to empty my mind, focusing only on the present moment - the warmth of the sun filtering through the canopy, the earthy scent of damp soil and decaying leaves, the melodic gurgling of the stream. Peace settles over me like a soft, comforting blanket.

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