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I don't so much as flinch, my focus solely centered on the woman at my back. Jenna, my fierce little mate who has managed tocapture both my heart and the unrelenting obedience of my wolf without even trying.

"What are your orders, Alpha?" Marcus’ rumbles, his deep voice cutting through the lingering tension like a knife.

I take a moment to consider my words, acutely aware of the weight they carry. "Get everyone home," I say finally, meeting Marcus's gaze meaningfully.

He gives a curt nod, understanding my unspoken meaning. "Hannah, Chloe, let's go."

As the two women move to follow him, Marcus pauses and glances back at Jenna with a questioning look. Before he can voice the thought, a deep, rumbling growl builds in my chest - a clear warning for him not to suggest Jenna leave with them.

Marcus's lips press into a grim line, but he doesn't argue. With a slight dip of his chin, he simply turns and leads Hannah and Chloe toward the exit, leaving Jenna and I alone.

"Let's get out of here," Jenna murmurs, her soft voice like a soothing balm against the raging wolf within me.

I nod, my body thrumming with the need to be alone with her.

Without a word, I turn on my heel and start for the exit, trusting her to follow. I can no longer be surrounded by the chaos, the noise and stench of the lower beings who would dare defile her with their presence. No, what I require now is solitude. Privacy to revel in the scent and taste of her without interruption.

The cool night air is a balm against my heated skin as I stride out into the parking lot, my wolf practically vibrating with the need for release. I've made it no more than a dozen steps when her soft voice drifts out behind me.

"Ryan? Ryan, wait!"

I freeze in place, every muscle in my body pulled taut as her gentle hand closes around my forearm. The simple contact is like a bolt of lightning, searing through me with an intensity that leaves me breathless. Slowly, I turn to face her, drinking in the radiant beauty of her features in the dim glow of the parking lot lights.

Those full lips are parted, pupils blown wide as she stares up at me with a mixture of concern and... curiosity? Yes, curiosity laced with a tantalizing hint of desire that has the wolf preening within me. Her scent, rich and floral, washes over me in intoxicating waves, and it's all I can do not to crush her against me and drink deeply of her addictive essence.

"Are you okay?" she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper as her fingers trail down the corded muscles of my forearm.

The simple touch threatens to shatter what little remains of my restraint. A harsh growl rumbles up from the depths of my chest as I capture her wrist in one large hand, holding her in place as I take a single step forward. Then another, forcing her to retreat until the solid metal of my truck is against her back, caging her in with the hard planes of my body.

"No," I rasp, bending until our faces are a hairsbreadth apart. Her sweet breath caresses my lips, and I can't resist leaning in to brush my nose along the delicate curve of her jaw, drinking in her scent like a intoxicating elixir. "I'm not okay, Jenna."

A tiny whimper escapes her as I nuzzle the throbbing pulse point just below her ear, my tongue darting out to taste the salty tang of her skin. She tastes of sunlight and honey, a flavor so rich and intoxicating that I can't resist taking another sampling. Andanother, trailing scorching kisses down the slender column of her throat.

"Ryan..." My name is a breathless entreaty on her lips, at once a plea and an invitation to continue my sensual assault.

The wolf snarls its approval, every instinct roaring to claim this woman as our mate, to bind her to us in the most primal way imaginable. With a harsh groan, I tear my mouth away from the siren's call of her flesh, resting my forehead against hers as I fight for control. When I finally find my voice, it's a low, gravelly rasp laced with the desperation I feel clawing at my insides.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" I grate out, holding her gaze with an intensity that would make a lesser woman quail. "The things you make me want... the things you make me need?"

Her pupils are blown wide, those lush lips parted on a shuddering inhalation as she drinks in my words. Slowly, almost unconsciously, she gives the barest shake of her head.

A savage growl rumbles up from the depths of my chest as I capture her other wrist, pinning both of her hands above her head against the cool metal of the truck. I lean in until our bodies are flush, caging her in with the heavy weight of my frame as I brush my lips against the delicate shell of her ear.

"I want you, Jenna," I rasp, letting the stark truth of my words sink in.

A full-body shudder wracks her slight frame, her chest rising and falling in rapid, shallow bursts against mine. The rich, heady scent of her arousal surrounds me, stoking the already raging inferno in my veins to dizzying new heights.

Releasing her wrists, I trail my hands down the soft, feminine curves of her body, committing every lush swell and delicious dip to memory. When I reach the hem of her skirt, I bunch the silky fabric in my fists and slowly, torturously inch it higher, baring those endlessly long legs to my ravenous gaze.

"I want to bury myself so deep inside you, you'll never forget the feel of me," I growl against the fragrant skin of her throat. "I want to make you scream my name until you're hoarse, until every fiber of your being knows who you belong to."

A choked whimper slips past her lips, her nails digging into the taut muscles of my shoulders as she clings to me. The scent of her desire is a thick, intoxicating cloud surrounding us now, and it's all I can do to keep from ripping that tempting dress from her body and taking her right here against the unforgiving metal.

Somehow, I find the tattered remnants of my control and force myself to take a step back, putting a sliver of space between us. Jenna's eyes are glazed, lips swollen from the assault of my kisses as she gapes at me with a look of pure, molten desire.

"Get in the truck," I growl, the words laced with the full weight of my alpha command.

For a moment, I think she might disobey, might try to push me over that razor's edge of restraint. But then, slowly, she nods and moves to obey, her movements unsteady and dazed. I watch, fists clenched at my sides, as she slips into the passenger seat, her trembling fingers smoothing the rumpled fabric of her skirt.

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