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"Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Cooper," he says, his tone formal once more. "I'll leave you to your duties."

With a curt nod, he turns and strides away, leaving me standing there, breathless and confused. What just happened?

The rest of the day passes in a blur, my thoughts constantly drifting back to our charged encounter. By the time the final bell rings, I'm both mentally and emotionally drained.

As I gather my things to leave, Sarah appears in the doorway, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "Hey, you okay? I heard there was some drama with a student's parent earlier."

I offer her a weak smile, appreciating her support. "It was nothing major, just a misunderstanding."

Sarah arches a perfectly groomed brow. "Was that tall, brooding hunk of man-candy involved?"

Heat rushes to my cheeks at her blunt assessment. "You mean Ryan Thorne? He's the pack alpha."

"Mmhmm," Sarah hums, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "And judging by that flush, I'd say there's more to the story."

I let out a frustrated sigh, sinking into one of the tiny chairs. "I don't know what to make of him, Sarah. One minute, he's all alpha male and intensity, and the next..." I trail off, shaking my head.

Sarah perches on the edge of a table, her expression softening. "Look, Jenna, I know you've been through a lot lately, and thelast thing you need is more complications. But..." She pauses, her forehead creasing with worry. "Are you sure Ryan's the best kind of complication? He's a shifter, and that brings its own set of challenges."

I worry my lower lip, considering her words. There's no denying the magnetic pull I feel towards Ryan, the way his mere presence sets my body humming with awareness. But he's also made it abundantly clear that his pack's beliefs run counter to any potential relationship between us.

"I don't know," I admit finally, my voice tinged with weariness. "Even if there is something, how could it possibly work? He's the alpha of the Whispering Pines Pack, and I'm just..."

"A strong, beautiful woman who deserves to be happy?" Sarah interjects, her tone gentle.

I offer her a rueful smile, touched by her support. "You know how much I value stability, Sarah. Being with someone like Ryan, it's the opposite of stable. And then there's the whole shifter-human dynamic..."

Sarah considers this for a moment, her expression pensive. "Maybe. Or maybe he's exactly what you need to break free from the constraints you've placed on yourself. Just be careful, Jenna. I don't want to see you get hurt."

Her words resonate deeply, striking a chord within me. Have I been so focused on maintaining a sense of safety and security that I've closed myself off to potential happiness?


Back in my room at the Thorne estate, I stare blankly at the half-finished lesson plan on my laptop, the cursor blinking mockingly. My mind is a jumbled mess, thoughts ricocheting like pinballs, refusing to settle. The words on the screen blur together as tears well up in my eyes.

I should be focused on planning engaging activities for my kindergarteners, filling their curious minds with the wonders of the world. But how can I inspire others when my own life feels like it's crumbling?

The shrill ring of my phone pierces the heavy silence, making me jump. I fumble to answer, my chest tightening as I brace for more bad news.

"Ms. Cooper? This is Officer Davis from the Whispering Pines Fire Department..."

His words are a dull roar in my ears as he explains the likely cause of the fire that ravaged my cozy home—old wiring, a cruel twist of fate. Flames consumed every cherished memory, every tangible connection to the life I'd built after losing my parents.

Numbly, I end the call, the phone slipping from my trembling fingers. Sobs wrack my body as the weight of it all—the fire, the incident at school, the upheaval of moving in with Hannah's family—crashes over me in waves.

I can't breathe in this room, these four walls closing in on me. I need air, space, an escape from the suffocating reality threatening to drown me.

Stumbling to my feet, I flee the building, letting my feet carry me into the vast embrace of the forest surrounding the Thorne estate. With each ragged breath, the fragrant pine needles and damp earth soothe my frayed nerves like a healing balm.

I wander aimlessly, my vision blurred by a veil of tears, until I find myself in a small clearing with a gurgling creek. A massive boulder rests beside the gentle flow of water.

Sinking onto the moss-covered surface, I draw my knees to my chest and let the floodgates open. Harsh sobs tear from my throat as the dam of emotions I've been holding back finally breaks.

A sudden rustle in the undergrowth catches my attention, and I instinctively tense, my tear-stained eyes searching for the source of the disturbance. And then, it emerges – a massive wolf, its fur a deep, rich brown that seems to shimmer in the dappled sunlight.

My breath catches in my throat as I take in the sheer size of the creature, its powerful muscles rippling beneath its thick coat. This is no ordinary wolf – it's a shifter, I realize, one of the pack members in their animal form.

Fear and curiosity wage war within me, my heart pounding in my chest. Is this one of the wolves who resents my presence, who sees me as an intruder?

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