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"But Ms. Cooper, I want to show everyone my trick!" he protests, his voice slightly distorted as his canine teeth elongate.

I take a deep, steadying breath, well-versed in these types of situations. "I know you're excited, but you can't shift at school unless it's an emergency. You could hurt someone by accident."

Aiden's bottom lip juts out in a pout, but he manages to rein in his shifting, his features gradually returning to their fully human state.

As I guide Aiden to the principal's office, Sarah catches my eye, offering an understanding nod. Despite the minor hiccup, the rest of the morning proceeds smoothly, and I find myself settling into the familiar rhythms of my role as a teacher.

It's during my lunch break that Principal Hawkins summons me to her office. As I approach the open door, my steps falter at the sight of a broad-shouldered figure standing with his back to me. Ryan Thorne.

He’s there with another man, who must be Aiden’s father. Principal Hawkins clears his throat, his gaze shifting between us. "Thank you all for coming. I understand there was an incident involving Aiden’s abilities in Ms. Cooper's classroom today."

Aiden’s father, a burly man with a kind expression, nods solemnly. "I appreciate you handling this swiftly. Aiden knows better than to use his gifts carelessly."

Ryan remains silent, his piercing eyes fixed on me, as if scrutinizing my every move. A shiver runs down my spine, and I fight the urge to squirm under his intense gaze.

"Ms. Cooper acted with the utmost professionalism," Principal Hawkins assures them. "She diffused the situation calmly and ensured the safety of all her students."

A flicker of approval crosses Ryan's features, and my cheeks flush with the unexpected praise. Aiden’s father turns to me,his gratitude evident. "Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Cooper. I know integration isn't always easy."

I nod, my heart swelling with determination. "Of course. We're all in this together, learning as we go. Aiden is a bright student, and I have no doubt he'll apply this lesson moving forward."

With the matter resolved, Aiden’s father excuses himself, leaving Ryan and me alone with Principal Hawkins. An awkward silence hangs in the air, charged with unspoken tensions.

"My apologies for the disruption, Ms. Cooper." Ryan's gaze holds mine, intense and unwavering. "Aiden is still learning to control his shifts."

I tear my eyes away, focusing on Principal Hawkins. "It was a minor incident, nothing we couldn't handle."

"Even so," Ryan rumbles, taking a step closer. "I wanted to address it personally and ensure there are no lingering issues."

His proximity sends a shiver down my spine, and I fight the urge to step back, unwilling to show any sign of weakness. "Of course not, Mr. Thorne."

Principal Hawkins nods, seeming satisfied. "Very well. Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Cooper. You may return to your class."

As I turn to leave, Ryan's voice stops me. "A word, if you don't mind?"

I hesitate, my pulse quickening at the thought of being alone with him. But I can't very well refuse, not in front of the principal. With a tight smile, I nod and follow him out into the hallway.

The moment the door closes behind us, Ryan's imposing frame seems to fill the space, his broad shoulders blocking my path. "You handled that situation admirably," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down my spine.

I lift my chin, determined not to show any sign of weakness. "It's my job, Mr. Thorne. I care about all my students, regardless of their...unique circumstances."

A ghost of a smile tugs at the corner of his sensual lips. "Even so, not everyone would react with such grace and understanding."

I bristle at the implication, my hazel eyes narrowing. "Are you suggesting that most humans would have a problem with shifter children?"

Ryan's gaze holds mine, unflinching. "Wouldn't you? After all, we are... different."

"Different doesn't mean dangerous or wrong," I counter, my cheeks flushing with indignation. "Those children are no different from any others, just trying to learn and grow."

For a moment, Ryan's expression softens, and I catch a glimpse of the man beneath the alpha facade. "You're an exceptional woman, Jenna Cooper."

His use of my first name sends a jolt through me, and I struggle to maintain my composure. "I'm just doing my job, Mr. Thorne."

"Ryan." His voice is a low rumble, and he takes a step closer, invading my personal space. "Call me Ryan."

The intensity in his eyes is almost too much to bear, and I find myself trapped, like a moth drawn to a flame. "Ryan," I murmur, the name rolling off my tongue with a strange intimacy.

His gaze drops to my lips, and for a heartbeat, I think he might lean in and kiss me again. But the sound of approaching footsteps shatters the moment, and he steps back, clearing his throat.

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