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The wolf's intelligent eyes lock with mine, and in that moment, an inexplicable connection sparks between us. There is no hostility, no aggression – only a profound, almost human understanding.

Slowly, the massive beast lowers itself to the ground, its movements fluid and graceful. It settles beside me, its warm flank brushing against my leg, offering an unspoken comfort.

A sense of peace washes over me, and I release a shuddering breath, my muscles gradually unclenching. There is something about this wolf's presence that soothes the rawness within me, a silent companion that bears witness to my grief withoutjudgment or expectation. For the first time in a long time, I don't feel so alone.

"Who are you?" I whisper, my voice barely audible. The wolf does not respond, simply laying next to me, exuding a calm reassurance.

Time loses meaning once more as we sit together, the only sounds the gentle gurgling of the creek and my occasional sniffle. The wolf remains a steadfast presence. As the sun begins to dip below the treeline, painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson, I know our moment of solitude must come to an end. "Would you like to be my friend?" I ask softly, feeling a pang of reluctance. "If so, find me at the Thorne's home."

Reluctantly, I rise to my feet, brushing the damp earth from my jeans. The wolf holds my gaze for a lingering moment before rising with an easy, rippling grace. It takes a few measured steps toward me, then veers off, disappearing between the trees with silent prowess.

"Thank you," I whisper, my voice hoarse from crying. "For being here."

I watch the spot where it vanished for a long while, feeling strangely bereft yet inexplicably comforted. Drawing a deep, steadying breath, I turn and make my way back toward the estate.

Chapter 5


The tantalizing aroma of beef and potatoes wafts through the dining room as we gather for our evening meal. My gaze drifts to Jenna, seated across from me. Even in simple jeans and a sweater, she exudes a natural beauty that captivates me. I can't tear my eyes away from the gentle curve of her lips as she laughs at something Hannah says.

My wolf stirs restlessly beneath my skin, its instincts warring with my human rationale. Ever since the incident when I found her crying on the path, my wolf has become utterly consumed by her presence. Her vulnerability that day awoke a fierce protective urge within me, the primal need to shelter and comfort her. Yet even then, simmering beneath that tender impulse, the fire of a deeper, more carnal hunger raged.

A hunger only she can sate.

I tear my gaze from the gentle curves of her face, cursing the insistent tug of attraction that seems to draw my eyes back to her like a magnet. My grip tightens on the fork in my hand as I struggle to maintain control.

"...don't you think, Ryan?" Hannah's voice cuts through my preoccupied haze.

Blinking, I lift my stare to meet her expectant green eyes. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

She rolls her eyes in that playfully exasperated way only a little sister can manage. "I was saying that Jenna needs a night out on the town." A mischievous grin tugs at the corners of her lips. "The Howling Wolf is always a fun time."

The Howling Wolf. The very idea of Jenna stepping foot in that bar of shifters sends a possessive growl rumbling through my chest. My wolf rebels at the thought of exposing our mate to the leers and advances of others.

Before I can voice my objections, Jenna's soft laughter drifts across the table like a siren's call. "You make it sound so ominous," she teases Hannah. "But sure, a night out could be fun."

The words are barely out of her mouth before I find myself speaking without conscious thought. "I'll drive." The gruff declaration slices through the comfortable conversation, my tone leaving little room for argument.

Four sets of eyes turn my way, but I'm solely focused on Jenna. Her hazel gaze meets mine, sparking with surprise. Then, with a slight nod, she breaks the spell. "Okay. That works for me."

Beside her, Hannah's brows have lifted in silent question, but she knows better than to voice it aloud. Instead, she exchanges a loaded glance with our grandfather before plastering on a bright smile. "Wonderful! Ryan can be our designated driver. Let’s go get ready."

Rising from her seat, she grabs Jenna's hand and practically drags the bemused woman toward the exit, their soft laughter echoing back to me like distant bells on the wind. Only then do I become aware of my grandfather’s penetrating stare. "Just becautious out there," he warns. "The Howling Pines pack has been growing bolder lately."

A growl rumbles low in my chest at the mention of my cousin, Theodore. The mere thought of him near Jenna is enough to set my blood boiling. But I force the anger down, reminding myself that tonight is about letting Jenna have a reprieve from the chaos that has consumed her life.

Thirty excruciatingly long minutes later, the soft click of heels against hardwood announces Hannah and Jenna's arrival. I brace myself, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greets me.

Jenna has traded her casual attire for a figure-hugging red dress that clings to her body like a second skin. The deep neckline teases glimpses of the soft swell of her breasts, and the hem falls teasingly mid-thigh, revealing legs that seem to go on forever. Her auburn locks tumble in waves over her shoulders, and her lips are painted a tempting shade of crimson.

I can scarcely breathe, let alone form a coherent thought. Every instinct within me screams to possess her, to claim her as mine in the most primal of ways.

Hannah's light laughter breaks through the heated daze fogging my mind. "You about ready there, bro?" Her teasing grin speaks volumes of her understanding, her perception honed by a lifetime at my side.

With an effort of sheer willpower, I tear my ravenous stare from the tempting sway of Jenna's hips to meet her mirthful gaze. "Just waiting on you two."

Hannah arches one perfectly sculpted brow, amusement dancing in the green fire of her eyes. "Well then, we best not keep his majesty waiting any longer." Looping her arm throughJenna's, she shoots me a saucy wink before leading the way toward the door.

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