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The university auditorium buzzes with excitement, a sea of proud families and friends filling the rows of seats. I shift in my chair, straightening my tie for the hundredth time. My wolf paces restlessly beneath my skin, eager to see our mate.

"Relax, Lucas," Jenna says from beside me, a knowing smile on her face. "Sarah will be fine."

I nod, trying to calm my nerves. It's not that I'm worried – I know Sarah will excel, as she always does. But this day marks such an important milestone for her, for us. I can't help but feel a mix of pride and anticipation.

Ryan, sitting on Jenna's other side, chuckles. "He can't help it. It's the mate bond."

I'm about to retort when Marcus and Derek arrive, sliding into the seats next to me.

"Sorry we're late," Marcus says, his usual stoic expression softened by a slight smile. "Some of us actually have work to do."

I grin, clasping his shoulder. "Thanks for coming, both of you. It means a lot to Sarah and me."

Derek grunts in response, but I can see the warmth in his eyes. "Wouldn't miss it. Though at this rate, we'll all be attending each other's mating ceremonies soon enough."

Marcus snorts. "Speak for yourself. Some of us are too busy for that nonsense."

"Still handling Liam?" I ask, remembering Marcus's troublesome younger brother.

A shadow passes over Marcus's face. "Among other things. The kid's a handful, but he's growing up. Slowly."

"Is he still seeing that girl... Zoe, was it?" I ask, recalling the pink-haired woman from Derek's barbecue.

Something flashes in Marcus's eyes – so quickly I almost miss it. His jaw tightens almost imperceptibly. "I wouldn't know," he says, his tone clipped.

Interesting. I file that reaction away for later consideration. For now, I decide to change the subject. "How about you, Derek? Still prefer four-legged patients to the two-legged variety?"

Derek's lips quirk up in a rare smile. "Animals are far less complicated. They don't talk back, for one."

We all chuckle at that, the tension from a moment ago dissipating. As we settle into easy conversation, I can't help but marvel at how much has changed. A year ago, I was alone, resigned to never finding my mate. Now, I'm surrounded by friends – pack – waiting to watch my mate graduate.

The sudden swell of music cuts through my thoughts. The ceremony is starting. As the first notes of "Pomp and Circumstance" fill the air, my heart swells with pride and love.

Sarah. My brilliant, brave, beautiful mate. I scan the lines of graduates filing in, searching for her familiar face.

There she is. Even from this distance, Sarah stands out in the crowd. Her golden curls peek out from beneath her cap, and even though I can't see her face clearly, I know she's beaming with that radiant smile that never fails to take my breath away.

As she takes her seat with the other graduates, my mind wanders to all she's accomplished. Not just academically, though her achievements there are impressive enough. Sarah has grown so much in every aspect of her life.

I think about her excitement when she told me about implementing the Flipped Classroom Model in one of her elementary school classes. Her eyes had sparkled as she described how it was helping students with different learning styles, particularly those struggling with traditional methods. She's already making a difference, and this is just the beginning.

Then there's her growing comfort with the pack. I remember her first small gathering after we became official - how nervous she'd been, her hand clutching mine tightly. Now, she moves through these events with ease, laughing with Jenna, debating pack politics with Ryan, even trading sarcastic quips with Derek.

But most of all, I'm in awe of her strength. After everything she's been through, Sarah could have closed herself off, could have let fear rule her life. Instead, she chose to trust, to love, to embrace her role as my mate with open arms. Her resilience never ceases to amaze me.

The ceremony progresses, a blur of speeches and names being called. I'm only half-listening, my focus entirely on Sarah. When her name is finally announced, I'm on my feet before I realize it, clapping and cheering loudly. I can hear our friends joining in,Derek's gruff voice rising above the rest in a surprising show of enthusiasm.

Sarah crosses the stage, accepting her diploma with grace. As she turns to face the audience, her eyes find mine unerringly. Even from this distance, I can feel the force of our connection. My chest swells with pride and love so intense it's almost painful.

This remarkable woman is my mate. My partner. My everything.

As Sarah returns to her seat, I sink back into mine, a goofy grin plastered across my face. Marcus nudges me with his elbow.

"You look like a lovesick puppy," he mutters, but there's no real bite to his words.

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