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His eyes flash with a possessive hunger, and he growls, the sound vibrating through me. "And I'm yours. Forever."

I can feel the tension building within me, a coiled spring about to release. "I'm so close," I gasp, my nails raking down his chest.

Lucas's own release is imminent, his body tense beneath me, his breath coming in short, ragged pants. "Come for me, Sarah," he commands, his voice a low growl.

I fall apart, my orgasm crashing over me like a wave, my body convulsing around his cock. Lucas follows me over the edge, his own climax triggering a guttural roar of satisfaction as he spills himself deeply within me.

We collapse onto the bed, our bodies a tangle of limbs, our hearts pounding. Lucas's arms wrap around me, holding me close as our breathing slowly returns to normal.

His lips brush against my ear, his voice a hoarse whisper. "I love you, Sarah Mitchell. More than life itself."

I turn my head, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. "I love you too, Lucas Morgan. Now and forever."

We lie there for a while, our bodies intertwined and our hearts beating in sync. The world outside this room feels distant, unimportant.

Lucas's hand traces lazy patterns on my back. "I want you to know," he murmurs, his voice low and serious, "that I'll always be here for you, Sarah. To make you happy, to keep you safe. Whatever you need, whatever it takes."

His words warm my heart, but they also trigger a sudden rush of anxiety. Mark. In the heat of the moment, I'd almost forgotten about him. "Lucas," I say, my voice trembling slightly, "what about Mark? What if he wants revenge for what happened? And... oh God, what about your job? If the university finds out about us—"

Lucas pulls me closer, his embrace tightening reassuringly. "Shh, it's okay. Everything's going to be alright."

I look up at him, searching his face. "How can you be so sure? And... why didn't you answer when I called earlier? I was so worried."

He takes a deep breath, his expression turning apologetic. "I'm sorry I couldn't answer. I was actually in a meeting with the Dean."

"The Dean?" I gasp, sitting up slightly. "Lucas, what—"

He gently pulls me back down, his hand running soothingly through my hair. "It's okay, really. I went to her proactively to discuss our relationship and the situation with Mark. I wanted to get ahead of any potential issues."

"And?" I prompt, hardly daring to breathe.

"And everything at the university should be fine. We'll need to go through some formal processes with the ethics committee, but the Dean was surprisingly understanding once I explained everything. As for Mark, well... he probably won't be working there much longer."

I blink in surprise. "What do you mean?"

Lucas sighs. "I also had a talk with Marcus – he's the Beta of our pack. He reached out to Theo, the Alpha of the Howling Pines pack."

"But aren't they rivals?" I ask, confused.

"They are, but Marcus and Theo were friends growing up. When Marcus explained about Mark's abusive behavior... well, Theo may be our rival, but he would never condone abuse against women. Mark's been kicked out of the Howling Pines pack. Without a pack to back him up, he'll likely leave the area soon."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "So... it's really over? We're safe?"

Lucas cups my face in his hands, his eyes intense as they meet mine. "Yes, Sarah. You're safe. We're safe. And I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way."

I lean into his touch, feeling the tension drain from my body. For the first time in what feels like forever, I allow myself to truly relax, to believe that maybe, just maybe, everything really will be okay.

As I look into Lucas's eyes, I'm overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude and love. I think back to when we first met, how scared I was of getting close to anyone, especially a shifter. But Lucas had been patient, kind, and understanding. He'd given me the time and space I needed to work through my fears.

And now, lying here in his arms, I'm so glad I found the courage to trust him, to open my heart again. This man, this wolf, my mate - he's everything I never knew I needed.

Filled with emotion, I lean in and press my lips to his. What starts as a gentle, grateful kiss quickly ignites intosomething more passionate. Lucas responds immediately, his arms tightening around me as he deepens the kiss.

Before I know it, he's turning us over, his body hovering over mine. His eyes, dark with renewed desire, search my face. "Again?" I ask, a little breathless but unable to keep the smile from my lips.

Lucas grins, a mix of love and mischief in his expression. "Always," he growls softly, before capturing my lips once more.

As we lose ourselves in each other again, I know with absolute certainty that this is where I belong. With Lucas, I'm home.

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