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I nod, leaning into his touch. "Yeah, just... that was intense."

He sighs, his breath warm against my ear. "Pack dynamics can be... complicated. Marcus has been on edge lately, and Liam has a way of pushing his buttons."

I turn to face him, searching his eyes. "Is everything alright? With the pack, I mean?"

Lucas's expression softens. "It's nothing for you to worry about, Sarah. Just some... internal disagreements. Nothing we can't handle."

I want to press further, but something in his tone tells me now isn't the time. Instead, I nod, offering him a small smile. "Okay. But if you need to talk..."

He pulls me closer, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I know. Thank you."

As the night wears on, I find myself relaxing more. Lucas never strays far from my side. We mingle, chat, and I even find myself laughing at one of Derek's dry jokes, surprising both of us.

The sky darkens, stars peeking out one by one. Fairy lights strung around the yard flicker to life, casting a warm, intimate glow over the gathering. I'm helping Jenna clear some plates when I overhear a snippet of conversation between Lucas and Ryan.

"...need to keep an eye on the situation," Ryan is saying, his voice low and serious. "If Theo's making moves..."

Lucas nods, his expression grave. "I'll reach out to my contacts, see what I can find out."

I try not to eavesdrop, but curiosity gnaws at me. Who's Theo? And what kind of moves could he be making that has both Lucas and Ryan looking so concerned?

Before I can ponder it further, Lucas notices me. He excuses himself from Ryan and makes his way over to me.

"Hey," he murmurs, his strong arm wrapping possessively around my waist. "How are you holding up?"

I tilt my head back, resting it against his shoulder as I gaze up at him. "Better than I expected," I admit, my voice soft. "Your world is... a lot to take in, but I feel grounded with you."

His smile is predatory, and there's a possessive glint in his eye that makes my pulse quicken. "You've been incredible tonight, Sarah. Everyone loves you.”

A thrill of excitement courses through me at his words. "Even Derek?" I tease, thinking of the gruff host's earlier scrutiny.

Lucas growls possessively. "Especially Derek. Trust me, if he didn't like you, you'd know."

As if summoned by our conversation, Derek approaches, a plate of food in hand. "Here," he says gruffly, thrusting the plate towards me. "You barely ate earlier."

I blink in surprise, taking the plate. "Oh, thank you, Derek. That's very thoughtful."

He grunts in response, but I swear I see the corners of his mouth twitch upwards before he turns away.

Lucas's hand slides lower, his fingers splaying across my hip with an ownership that sends heat pooling between my legs. "Told you he liked you," he whispers in my ear.

The warmth of his breath against my skin makes me shiver, and I lean into him instinctively. The party around us seems to fade away, the chatter and laughter becoming distant as my focusnarrows to Lucas's touch, his scent, the solid presence of his body.

"Lucas," I murmur, turning slightly to face him. "I..."

His eyes darken as they meet mine, and I see a flicker of something primal in their depths. Without a word, he takes my hand and leads me away from the bustling center of the party.

Lucas guides me away from the dwindling crowd, his hand a warm, reassuring presence at the small of my back. We slip through the shadows, away from the prying eyes of the pack, until we find a secluded bench nestled beneath the boughs of an ancient pine tree.

"Sit with me," he says, his voice a low rumble that resonates deep within my chest.

I comply, settling onto the bench beside him, the cool wood a stark contrast to the heat emanating from his body. "This is nice," I murmur, looking up at the stars peeking through the pine needles above us.

Lucas nods, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I thought you might need a moment away from everyone. How are you feeling?"

"Overwhelmed," I admit. "But in a good way. Your friends are... interesting."

He chuckles, the sound sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. "That's one way to put it. I hope they didn't scare you off."

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