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As the night wears on, I find myself drifting towards Zoe. She seems just as out of place as I feel, and there's something comforting about that.

"First time at one of these gatherings?" I ask, settling next to her.

Zoe nods, relief evident in her eyes. "Is it that obvious?"

I laugh softly. "Only because I'm in the same boat. I'm Sarah, by the way."

"Zoe," she replies, then glances around. "I get the feeling I wasn't supposed to be here."

I hesitate, unsure how much to say. "I think... it's more that Liam wasn't supposed to bring anyone without asking first. But don't worry, everyone seems glad you're here."

Zoe relaxes a bit at that. "Thanks.”

"So, how did you meet Liam?" I ask, genuinely curious.

Zoe's lips quirk into a half-smile. "Would you believe me if I said he was a walk-in client at the salon where I work? He came in for a trim and left with my number."

I chuckle, imagining the scene. "That sounds like quite the meet-cute. How long have you two been seeing each other?"

Zoe's smile falters slightly. "Oh, we're not really... I mean, it's just casual. We've only been on a couple of dates."

I nod, sensing there's more to the story but not wanting to pry. "I see. Well, I'm glad you came tonight. It's nice to have another 'outsider' to talk to."

“I'm here with Lucas," I explain, my gaze instinctively seeking him out across the yard. He's deep in conversation with Ryan and Marcus, but as if sensing my attention, he glances over, hiseyes meeting mine. A warm smile spreads across his face, and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Ah," Zoe says, following my gaze. "The silver fox. Nice catch."

I feel a blush creeping up my neck. "He's... yeah. He's pretty amazing."

Zoe grins. "I can tell. You've got that whole 'heart-eyes' thing going on."

Noticing my embarrassment, Zoe's expression softens. "Hey, no need to be shy about it. It's sweet." She glances at our empty cups. "How about I grab us some refills? Give you a moment to cool that blush?"

I laugh, grateful for her understanding. "That would be great, thanks."

As Zoe stands to head towards the drinks table, I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself. I'm still not used to being so open about my feelings for Lucas, especially in a group setting.

A commotion near the grill catches my attention. I turn to see Zoe, her face flushed with embarrassment, frantically dabbing at a large wet spot on Marcus's shirt. A plastic cup lies overturned at their feet, its contents spreading across the patio.

"I'm so sorry," Zoe exclaims. "It was an accident, I didn't mean to—"

"Watch where you're going," Marcus snaps, his voice sharp enough to make me flinch. He jerks away from Zoe's touch as if burned, his reaction seeming disproportionate to the situation. "You could have knocked over the grill. Do you have any idea how dangerous that would be?"

I watch, stunned, as Zoe's eyes narrow, and she draws herself up to her full height – which, admittedly, isn't much compared to Marcus's imposing frame. Despite his harsh words, I catch a flicker of something else in Marcus's eyes as he looks at Zoe.

"It was an accident," she bites back, her voice sharp. "And in case you hadn't noticed, I'm already apologizing and trying to clean it up. Back off!"

The tension in the air is palpable. I glance around, noting the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. Derek raises an eyebrow, exchanging a puzzled look with Lucas. It's clear that Marcus's overreaction is out of character.

"Hey, man," he says to Marcus, his tone light but with an underlying edge. "It was just a spill. No harm done, right?"

Marcus's jaw clenches, and for a moment, I'm worried things might escalate. But then Ryan's there, his presence commanding attention without a word.

"Accidents happen," he says, his voice calm but authoritative. "Let's get this cleaned up and get back to enjoying the evening, shall we?"

The tension dissipates, but not entirely. As everyone moves to help clean up, I can't help but notice the way Zoe and Marcus avoid each other's gaze, the air between them still crackling.

Lucas appears at my side, his hand coming to rest on the small of my back. "You okay?" he murmurs. His touch sends sparks through my body, and I have to resist the urge to lean into him fully.

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