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Liam's smile widens. "Great! I'll text you the details." He leans in for a kiss, but I turn my head slightly, so his lips land on my cheek instead. If he notices my reluctance, he doesn't comment on it.

I climb out of the car, waving goodbye as Liam drives off. As I walk up to my apartment, I can't shake the feeling that I've made a mistake agreeing to another outing with him. But I've already committed, and I'm not one to back out of plans without a good reason.

As I approach my door, I notice something stuck to it. At first, I think it might be a flyer or a note from a neighbor. But as I get closer, my heart starts to race. It's a plain white envelope, unmarked except for my name scrawled across the front in messy handwriting.

With shaking hands, I pull the envelope off the door and open it. Inside is a single sheet of paper with a typed message:


I read the words over and over, my mind struggling to process their meaning. Who would send me something like this? And why?

My heart pounds in my chest, adrenaline surging through my veins. For a split second, I consider calling Liam or even the police. But then a familiar calm settles over me, born from years of facing adversity alone.

I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. I can handle this. I have to.

Chapter 2


I lean back into my well-worn couch, balancing my laptop on my knees as I put the finishing touches on my latest beauty tutorial video. I hit 'upload' and watch as the progress bar inches forward.

"Come on, come on," I mutter, drumming my fingers on the side of the laptop.

Finally, the upload completes. I quickly switch tabs to post links on my other social media accounts, a familiar rush of excitement bubbling up inside me. This is my favorite part – watching the likes and comments roll in, seeing my hard work pay off in real-time.

I refresh the page, and a grin spreads across my face as I see the numbers tick up. "Not bad, Zoe," I say to myself, allowing a moment of pride. "Not bad at all."

As I start responding to comments, I can't help but reflect on how far I've come. Growing up in the foster system, I never had anything that was truly mine. But this – this business, this following – I've built it all from scratch. It's mine in a way nothing else has ever been.

"Love this look!" I read aloud, typing out a response. "Thanks so much! Let me know if you try it yourself!"

My phone buzzes, and I glance over to see a text from Liam about the BBQ tonight. I feel a twinge of irritation and ignore it for now, focusing back on my laptop.

"Ooh, good question," I murmur, reading another comment. "I'll have to do a video on that next week."

As I continue engaging with my followers, my mind keeps drifting back to the upcoming BBQ. Do I really have to go to this thing? Things with Liam have been... off lately. That night at his brother's place left me with more questions than answers, and the way he dismissed my concerns afterward didn't sit well with me.

I sigh, closing my eyes for a moment. When I agreed to go to this BBQ, I thought Liam and I were heading somewhere. Now, I'm not so sure. At least I’m driving myself, that way I can leave if I want to.

The clock on my laptop reminds me it's time to start getting ready, and I reluctantly close the lid. I stand up, stretching out the kinks in my back from sitting too long.

"Alright, Zoe," I tell myself, squaring my shoulders as I head to my bedroom to change. "You've dealt with worse than a slightly awkward BBQ. You've got this."

I step onto the Whispering Pines Pack property. The scent of grilled meat and the sound of laughter fill the air, but I can't shake the feeling of unease in my stomach.

The sprawling estate unfolds before me, a picturesque blend of nature and luxury. The grand, rustic Thorne mansion looms in the distance, its weathered stone facade a testament to its ageand significance. Closer to me, the expansive lawn is dotted with picnic tables and grills, all surrounded by towering pine trees.

To my left, I spot the Pack Building, its rough-hewn wooden beams and stone accents giving it a warm, inviting air despite its imposing size. People mill about, their laughter and chatter carried on the wind, creating a lively atmosphere that contrasts sharply with my inner turmoil.

Liam bounds up to me, his easy grin plastered on like a mask. "Zoe! You made it!" He leans in for a kiss, but I turn my head slightly, his lips grazing my cheek instead. If he notices my reluctance, he doesn't show it. His breath already carries the unmistakable scent of alcohol, and I feel my irritation rising. Something feels off, and it's not just the lingering fear from the note.

"Come on," he says, grabbing my hand with unnecessary force. "Let me introduce you to everyone properly this time."

As we make our way through the crowd, I can't help but notice the sideways glances and whispered conversations that seem to follow us. Liam, oblivious or uncaring, chatters away, pointing out various pack members. His voice is louder than necessary, drawing even more attention our way. I try to focus on his words, but my eyes keep scanning the crowd, searching for... something. Or someone.

And then I see him. Marcus.

He's standing at the edge of the gathering, deep in conversation with Ryan, the pack alpha. Even from a distance, I can't help but notice the way his muscles ripple under his tight t-shirt as he gestures, the intensity in his eyes as he speaks. As if sensing my gaze, Marcus looks up, our eyes locking for a brief moment. I quickly look away, my cheeks flushing.

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