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Liam's voice pulls me back to the present. "And this," he says, guiding me towards a group of younger pack members, "is where the real party's at."

The group Liam leads me to is gathered around a cooler filled with drinks, their laughter and animated conversation creating a bubble of energy. I notice Liam immediately reaching for another beer, cracking it open with a flourish that seems more for show than enjoyment. He's already drinking more than anyone else, and I feel my unease growing.

A petite woman with light brown hair caught in a messy bun catches my eye. She offers me a shy smile, adjusting her glasses. "Hi, I'm Chloe," she says softly, her voice barely audible over the noise of the party.

"Zoe," I respond, grateful for a friendly face. "Nice to meet you."

As Liam gets pulled into a boisterous conversation with his friends, I decide to grab something to eat. I make my way to the food table, piling my plate with a colorful assortment of grilled vegetables and a juicy burger.

Finding a quiet spot near the edge of the yard, I settle down to eat by myself. The savory aroma of the perfectly grilled meat fills my senses, but I can't help feeling a twinge of loneliness as I watch Liam laughing and joking with his buddies, seemingly oblivious to my absence. I take a bite of my burger, savoring the flavors while trying to ignore the nagging feeling that I'm more of an accessory than a date at this gathering.

As the afternoon wears on, I find myself growing increasingly annoyed. Liam becomes louder and more boisterous with each drink, his jokes growing cruder and his behavior more obnoxious. I watch as he challenges one of his friends to an arm-wrestling match, knocking over drinks and nearly upending thetable in the process. My embarrassment grows with each passing minute. This isn't the Liam I thought I knew. Or maybe it is, and I've just been too blind to see it.

"Liam," I hiss, trying to pull him away from the chaos. "Maybe you should slow down a bit?"

He shrugs me off, laughing. "Lighten up, Zoe! We're just having fun."

I retreat to the edge of the gathering, feeling out of place and increasingly frustrated. God, when did Liam become so immature? I think to myself. This is turning out to be way more work than it's worth. I can't help but compare his behavior to Marcus's calm presence earlier. The contrast is striking, and not in Liam's favor.

Suddenly, a commotion erupts near the grill. I turn to see Liam, red-faced and swaying slightly, squaring up to Marcus.

"You think you're so much better than everyone, don't you?" Liam slurs, jabbing a finger into Marcus's chest. "Mr. Perfect Beta, always following the rules."

Marcus remains calm, his voice low but firm. "Liam, you're drunk. Go cool off."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Liam shouts, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. "You're not Dad, and you're sure as hell not my alpha!"

I watch in horror as Liam takes a wild swing at Marcus. Marcus easily sidesteps the punch, causing Liam to stumble and fall face-first into the grass. The yard falls silent, all eyes on the brothers. Marcus looks torn between concern and exasperation, while Liam struggles to his feet, face red with embarrassment and rage.

"Fuck you, Marcus," he spits, storming off towards the house.

I stand frozen. This isn't the first time Liam's behavior has made me uncomfortable, but watching him lash out at his brother, I see a pattern I've been ignoring.

The charming guy who walked into my salon seems a far cry from this belligerent, drunken man. I realize with startling certainty that I've been making excuses for Liam, overlooking red flags in hopes of... what? Fitting in? Not being alone?

I'm worth more than this, I realize. I deserve better than someone who treats me like an afterthought and embarrasses me in public.

Chloe touches my arm gently. "Are you okay?"

I nod, even though I'm far from okay. "I think... I think I need some air."

I make my way to a quiet corner of the yard, leaning against a sturdy oak tree and taking deep breaths. The cool bark against my back grounds me, helping to calm my racing thoughts. I close my eyes, trying to center myself.

"You shouldn't be alone."

I jump at the gravelly voice, my eyes flying open to find Marcus standing a few feet away. His expression is guarded. My heart skips a beat at his sudden proximity.

"I'm fine," I say automatically, then sigh. "Actually, no, I'm not fine. That was... a lot."

Marcus nods, moving to stand beside me. We're close enough that I can feel the heat radiating from his body, smell the intoxicating mix of pine and musk. It takes all my willpower not to lean into him, to seek comfort in his solid presence. My skintingles with awareness, and I find myself hyper-focused on the rise and fall of his chest, the strong line of his jaw.

"Liam can be... impulsive," Marcus says carefully. "Especially when he's had too much to drink."

I snort. "That's putting it mildly."

A ghost of a smile flits across Marcus's face, and I find myself captivated by the way it softens his features. "You're not wrong."

We stand in companionable silence for a moment, watching the party continue as if nothing had happened. It's strange how quickly things can return to normal after such a disruption. But I'm acutely aware of Marcus's presence beside me, of the way my body seems to hum with energy just from being near him.

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