Page 12 of Shameless Boss

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Chapter 7


The office elevator dings, and I can’t help looking to see if it’s Patrick. It isn’t him. It’s the postal worker. A sigh escapes me, and I wonder if I made the wrong choice.

Patrick hasn’t come into the office for two days. I miss him. Each morning, I have an email from him saying he’s working on some other projects. It makes perfect sense. The man runs a multi-million-dollar company, for heaven’s sake.

Funny, or maybe not. I didn’t know how much I enjoyed being his top priority until I demanded he stop. For a few weeks, I wasn’t alone. Patrick supported me. He showed up consistently for both me and my son. It wasn’t an official relationship, and maybe that’s why I took it for granted. Now that he’s gone, I’m feeling the lack.

My phone beeps at me. It’s a text from Helena in our group chat.

Helena: Are you ready for tonight?

Miriam: So ready

Me: Me too, girl. You have no idea

Helena: Is Justin causing problems again?

Me: No. Yes. I’ll tell you about it tonight

Helena: Can’t wait

Quinn: Who is hosting?

Miriam: It’s my turn

Me: Do I need to bring anything?

Quinn: Just that cute boy of yours

Helena: Looking forward to it. See you in a couple hours xoxo

My mind has been so all over the place, I completely forgot about drinks with the girls tonight. Perfect timing. I could use some advice.

Luck was smiling on me when I moved into my current apartment complex. At the same time each workday, the four of us would find ourselves in the elevator on our way to work. It didn’t take long for us to become friends. Now, we have a weekly drink night, where we rotate hosts each week. It’s been a godsend for decompressing the stress of life, especially this last year.

A few hours later, I slump into Miriam’s comfy sofa with a cosmo in hand. Before these drink nights, I was a strictly wine girl. Not because I didn’t like other drinks, but for the ease of it. I knew which six-dollar bottle of moscato to get at the store, and I had a bottle opener at home. Done and done. Miriam spoils us with these fancy drinks. But I’m not complaining because they are delish.

Josiah sits at the kitchen table with a tablet and earbuds. He doesn’t mind these nights because he gets at least an hour of uninterrupted screen time. Plus, the girls dote on him. They always make sure he has a pepperoni pizza, cookies, and apple juice.

“Okay, ladies, what’s going on this week?” Helena starts us off. She’s kind of the “matriarch” of the group. She’s in her mid-thirties, made an extremely successful career of reforming wealthy bad boys, and she tells it like it is. You never wonder where you stand with Helena. Her forthrightness is something I appreciate more as I get older, especially because she couples it with kindness.

“Same old, same old.” Miriam collapses in a fluffy chair, her legs tucked beneath her. “It feels like Drake’s schedule keeps getting busier, but nothing I can’t handle.” Miriam is the youngest of us, still in her mid-twenties. With her curly brown hair and innocent curves, it would be easy to underestimate her. I wouldn’t, though. She’s sharp as a tack, which is probably why she’s crushing it as Drake Gallagher’s Executive Assistant.

Quinn joins me on the sofa, half of her cosmo is already gone. It’s a good thing Miriam practically makes these things in bulk when it’s her turn to host. “I’m considering deleting all my dating apps and getting a cat or two.”

“Weston still hasn’t realized how good he has it?” Helena asks.

“He probably never will.” Quinn says with a shrug. Then she turns to me with her bright green eyes. “But I want to hear about Amara’s new job. How is it?”

Suddenly shy, I take a sip to give myself time to decide what to say. Like a bandaid. After a quick look to make sure Josiah still has his earbuds in, “Imadeoutwithmyboss,” I rush out.

Helena sits straight up in her seat, Miriam’s eyes get as big as saucers, and Quinn discreetly guzzles the rest of her drink.

“And then I dumped him,” I continue.

Gasps fill the room. Quinn clambers up and heads back to the kitchen saying, “Anyone need a refill before we get into this?”

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