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“I’m so sorry. My brain is being pulled in a million different directions. It completely slipped my mind.”

“If you were here, I wouldn’t have cut my finger.”

“Wait.” He stepped away. “You’re going to blame me for cutting yourself?”

“I was looking at my phone, waiting for you to get back to me.”

“I’m sorry, okay?” He tilted his head and smiled, giving her a little poke with his finger. “I’ll make it up to you now. Have you eaten?”

“No, I was too busy bleeding.”

He laughed. “Then come on. I’ll buy you a burger at McConnell’s, and you can tell me all about the hospital visit.”

Her stomach growled at the mention of food. “Okay, but I want a milkshake, too.”


He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “I love you.”

She wanted to believe him, but for some reason that damn radio segment kept slinking its way into her mind.

Chapter 23

“Milo!” Nolan yelled, trying to project his voice through the wind and rain. “Are you okay?”

He waited, hoping his friend wasn’t hurt. “I’m okay!” Milo’s voice cut through all the other sounds, and Nolan breathed for the first time since the tree fell down in front of him.

Nolan looked around the tree, but it extended from one end to the other, blocking not only the street, but the sidewalk as well.

“I can’t get to you!” Nolan called out to him.

“I’m going to tie the raft off. Give me a second, and I’ll meet you over there.”

Rain pelted Nolan in the face, and he bent his head to avoid the sting. He slipped his phone out to text Isla that he was okay, but he had zero service.

A few minutes later, Milo hopped over the Peterson fence and met Nolan with a hug. “I’m so happy to see you.”

Nolan slapped a hand on his back and held him tight. “Me too. I thought I lost you there for a second.”

“You’re telling me.”

“Let’s get in the truck and get the hell out of here.” Nolan nodded toward the truck.

“Slight problem,” Milo said. The wind tossed his chestnut hair around and rain dripped down his face.

“What’s that?”

“I wanted to make sure you were here first before I took anyone else on the raft.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The water is rising faster than you can imagine. I went by two houses that the water is already halfway up their front door. They saw me going by and asked for help. I told them I’d go back for them.”

Nolan ran his hands through his wet hair. While he wanted to get back to Isla, he couldn’t leave anyone in danger. “Are you sure the raft will make it? Maybe we should wait for the winds to die down.”

“According to the Weather Channel, they’re not going to die down anytime soon. We have an hour before the eye of the storm makes landfall. By then we’re screwed. It’s now or never.”

“How many people?”

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