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“Two. Summer Renters. I’ve never seen them before. They have a dog.”

“You better go. You’re running out of time.”

Milo nodded and took off, disappearing behind the tree, and leaving Nolan to wonder when he’d see him again.


Another hour had passed, and Isla’s nerves were shot. She tried calling Harper to see if she heard anything, but she had no cell service. One of the towers must’ve gone out.

She thought about going to the fridge and drinking whatever alcohol she could find, but what good was she, if she was drunk. What if Nolan needed help? Somehow, he was able to contact her and he was stranded, and she needed to rescue him?

She imagined the truck slammed into a tree, Nolan slumped over the steering wheel, blood dripping from his eyebrow as he made one final attempt to call her.

Her heart stopped at the thought.

She couldn’t just leave him out there. She needed to go find him. She grabbed her keys and bag, and with a deep breath, headed out into the storm.

As she made her way to the driveway, bright headlights illuminated the night, and the Bronco came to a stop behind her car.

“What the hell are you doing out here?” Nolan yelled over the pounding wind as he stepped from the Bronco.

Her heart started to work again, and tears of relief licked the backs of her eyes. He was saturated from head to toe, but he was alive. Her lips curved as he got closer, and she could see the blues of his eyes. “I was going to look for you.”

“The hell you are. Are you out of your damn mind?” The tone of his voice was more menacing than the storm. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out there?”

Any nerve she had left snapped. “I was scared! I was scared you were hurt and that you… that you needed me. I couldn’t just sit here waiting and wasting time. I’d never be able to forgive myself.” The pent-up emotion that she’d suppressed finally pushed its way to the surface. Tears pooled in her eyes, and Nolan’s hand cupped her cheek.

She closed her eyes, relishing in the warmth of his touch, and the fact that he was there with her, safe and sound.

“I’m okay,” he said as if he knew she needed the reassurance. “Milo’s okay, too.” He urged her face up to his. “Look at me.”

The wind howled around them; the trees swayed violently, but none of that mattered. She blinked up at him, looking right into his blue eyes.

“I’m right here.” His head dipped, and he captured her lips in a penetrating kiss. Water dripped down her face, her hair whipped around them with the relentless winds, but their lips melded together like they were one. His hands drifted down her back, settling on her hips.

She jumped up, wrapping her legs around him. He grabbed her ass, holding her close as he made his way to the house. Rain smacked her cheek, and the wind fought them, but nothing would tear them apart.

He stumbled through the door, slamming it shut, and pressing her back against the warm wood. His hands slipped beneath her shirt, hooking the hem and peeling the wet material from her body.

Their lips parted momentarily to rid the shirt from between them, but then they came together again in an erotic dance of give and take. His hands ran up and down her arms and he kissed her shoulder. “You’re cold. You’re covered in goosebumps.”

She shook her head. “Not cold. Not in your arms. Never.” She urged his chin up with her finger and smashed her mouth to his, taking control. She parted her lips, thrusting her tongue along the narrow divide. Nolan met her with the same fiery passion, thrusting his tongue against hers in relentless strokes.

He kissed her cheek, her neck and shoulder. His hand cupped her breast, and she whimpered for him to touch her more intimately. He didn’t disappoint, rubbing his thumb across her nipple until it was a greedy bead that craved even more attention. He pinched the sensitive bud between his thumb and forefinger, and she cried out as pleasure shot through her.

He bent his head, taking the hardened flesh between his teeth, before swiping his tongue in loving strokes that had her screaming out for more. She knotted her fingers in his damp hair, holding him close and pulling tight when the pleasure became too much.

He moved his mouth up her breast, kissing and licking as he went. He stopped at the crook of her neck, suckling the sensitive skin before placing a chaste kiss on her shoulder. His lips came back to hers, and she melted into the soft flesh.

It had been so long, but she and Nolan didn’t skip a beat. They moved as one, giving pleasure and taking it. He had ruined her for every other guy, and now he was nailing the final nail into the coffin. She was his mind, body and soul, and whether he stayed or was gone tomorrow, that simple fact would never change. She’d given him her heart long ago, and she never got it back. That hole had festered, but it was slowly closing with each stroke of his tongue, feel of his hand on her body, and each chaste kiss in between.

Isla grabbed his shirt and yanked on the soaking wet cotton. Nolan held her against the wall with his hips as he helped her rid himself of the barrier between them.

Isla gasped. “Your arm.” She pointed at the four red scratches that marred his skin.

“It’s nothing. Just a terrified Jack Russell Terrier that Milo and I helped rescue.”

Her kiss-swollen lips curved up. “You rescued a dog?”

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