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Walking back to the table, I noticed Ruby sobbing into her napkin. Her dark brown eyes shimmered with tears as she looked up at me.

“Ruby, why are you crying?” I asked, alarmed, reaching out totouch her hand. But she yanked her hand away from me, her face contorted with anger. “What’s wrong?”

“Wrong? You left this morning without a note or a text,” She spat, her voice shaking. “I thought we were fine after I…And you’re out fixing your damn car!”

My chest tightened as guilt gnawed at me.

“Ruby, I’m sorry,” I whispered, pleading with her to understand. “I thought it was better to give you space to think about us.”

“All you care about is yourself.”

“That’s not true, and you know it,” I said. “Let me make it up to you. I miss you.”

“What’s the point anymore Jasper?” she asked, with tears in her eyes. “You left an entire day without telling me anything. I thought we were over.”

“Give me a chance, Ruby,” I implored, my heart pounding in my ears. “I’ll do whatever it takes to fix this.”

“Do you still care about me? After everything?” she asked and I knew she meant by sleeping with the pack. It still hurt that she was still with this pack but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that we were supposed to be together.

“I thought you didn’t want me around after what happened last night,” I explained.

“Are you kidding me?" she asked incredulously, her voice laced with anger and hurt. “Why would you leave after what we did last night?”

Her hands clenched into fists at her sides. In her frustration, she inadvertently knocked over her glass of water, sending it crashing onto the floor. The sudden sound made everyone in the restaurant turn to look at us, but neither of us cared.

“I’m sorry for leaving you,” I said slowly. “I never meant to hurt you. I thought I was doing the right thing by giving you some space.”

“Space?! You just wanted me to feel close to you again, and you played with my feelings so you could take revenge.”

My chest tightened as I realized that I messed up.

“Ruby, please, let me make it up to you,” I growled, my voice hoarse with emotion as I gripped the table.

“Right now, I need to get away from you,” she cried out, pushing past me and storming out of the hotel.

“Wait,” I called after her. My heart pounded furiously in my chest as I watched her walk away angrily. I couldn’t let her walk away without trying to make things right. After waiting a few moments, I slipped out of the restaurant and followed Ruby’s scent.

She was standing outside beneath the glow of the moon, her breath coming out in hard gasps. The moonlight accentuated her slender form wrapped tightly in that dress. Every curve, every line of her body seemed to call out to me.

“Ruby,” I whispered under my breath, unable to help myself as I took a step towards her. I knew I had no right to approach her after what had happened, but the magnetic pull she had over me was impossible to resist.

“What?” she asked, her voice barely audible as she turned towards me. Her eyes were wet with unshed tears, making my heart clench painfully.

“Ruby, I’m so sorry,” I said. “I never meant to hurt you. I thought you didn’t want to see my face again.”

“What I needed was you,” she said simply as she looked at me with hurt in her eyes. “I care about you, and we have real feelings for each other. Wayne is only helping me out of duty because I was in heat.”

“Please, let me make it up to you,” I said softly, my heart aching. “I’ll do anything, just...don’t shut me out forever.”

“Jasper,” she whispered, her voice wavering as our gazes locked on one another. “I don’t know if I can trust you again.”

“Let me prove to you that you can,” I said, taking another step towards her. “Give me a chance.”

The moon’s reflection shimmered over Ruby’s tear-streaked face. Her sweet candy scent overwhelmed my nostrils as I closed the distance between us.

“I don’t know if we can work,” she said with uncertainty for the first time.

“I never meant to hurt you like this.”

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