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“Then talk to me, Jasper. And not just you – Wayne, Davy, and Rufus too. We all need to understand what’s happening.”

“Of course,” I agreed, relief flooding through me. “We can go back to the hotel and discuss everything. I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right between us.”

“Fine,” she said, walking towards the hotel. Even though she tried to display anger towards me, I knew deep down she still cared. The thought of losing her forever scared the shit out of me, and I needed to figure this out quickly.



Back in the hotel room, I sat in my nest, still wearing my dress. I hugged a pillow to my chest as I watched the alphas get comfortable around me.

Jasper gingerly sat to my right in the nest while Wayne sat boldly on my left like he owned the whole nest. They were both fully alpha regardless of whether Jasper had a pack or not.

The thought of ending things with one of them caused my chest to ache and my heart to race with uncertainty. Breaking up with Jasper or Wayne didn’t feel right to me. I bit my lip, not sure where to start- but Wayne took over sensing this.

“Let’s start with why you decided to run away with Jasper. Why did you decide to go ahead with an alpha who doesn’t have a pack?” Wayne asked, his voice rumbling through the room.

I gulped.

“It was…it’s complicated,” I said. I felt different now about him than I did a few days ago. I didn’t want to completely sabotage my chances now of being with Wayne.

“Try me.”

“I didn’t know you guys at the time, and I decided to choose love instead,” I said, looking at Jasper. “Although I’m not sure where we stand now.”

“I still love you,” said Jasper. “That didn’t change, Ruby.”

My heart raced as I nodded quietly.

I drew in a deep breath, my senses filled with the mingling alphas’ scents. My chest tightened, not just from the restrictive dress but from the weight of the question.

“Love,” Wayne echoed, almost to himself, his expression unreadable.

“Exactly,” I breathed out, my voice steadier now. “But now, we’re here to talk about the future, aren’t we?”

I locked eyes with each of them in turn, seeking some sign of where this was going. This conversation was important, and it could bind or break us. The silence stretched around us until I grew uncomfortable.

“Running away was a crazy decision,” I admitted. “Consistency and loyalty are everything to me. But Wayne- you were chasing me as if I already belonged to you.”

His jaw clenched, the shadows of the room playing across his features. He leaned forward while placing his elbows over his knees.

“Your father,” he started. “He was worried sick about you. And he demanded that I look for you.”

“Really?” My pulse quickened at the intensity of Wayne’s gaze on mine. I couldn’t look away from him as he spoke. His eyes, deep pools of midnight, held mine captive.

“He feared for you, Ruby. And when I saw you hurting on the side of the road…” Wayne paused, his gaze intense. “I thought I was claiming what was mine. But now- this has become more complicated than I thought.”

“Why was my dad so worried?” I asked. “He knows Jasper would never hurt me.”

Wayne’s gaze flickered, and it looked like he was hiding something, his usual stoic mask slipping just enough to betray him. I’d get to the bottom of it, unearth whatever secrets he was hiding.

“Ruby,” Jasper’s calm voice sliced through the tension. “What’s your decision? Are you choosing them or me?”

The weight of their gazes pressed upon me. My breath hitched, caught between duty and the wild beating of my heart. They both called to me, each causing a different type of feeling to rise within me.

“How about you just join our pack?” Davy asked Jasper, and Wayne’s eyes flashed.

“What the fuck?” said Rufus.

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