Page 70 of Maid for The Alphas

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My pack nodded in unison, and I gave them a warning look not to howl at the moon right now. It was one of those situations where howling before the battle was necessary to unify us against a common enemy.


I feltlike I was moving through quicksand while I cooked for my dad. Every limb of my body felt heavy from travel, and the pain in my belly grew like a fire within me, so it hurt to stand. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I didn’t care anymore.

Everyone I loved was gone. Even the alphas I loved rejected me when I told them what I truly was.Why the fuck would anyone want me?

I pulled the pot roast out of the oven and set it on the kitchen counter with mittens. The smell of it made my mouth water. I was hungry from my long car ride trip here.

Without thinking, I grabbed a fork and peeled a strip of meat. I put it in my mouth, and the salty taste of it was satisfying, to say the least.

“What are you doing?” said Alan’s soft voice as he came up behind me.

I groaned internally but turned to face him.

“I thought it was for both of us,” I said, knowing full well that it wasn’t. He was a greedy motherfucker, and I was never allowed to partake in his food.

He pulled out a can of beans from the pantry.

“This is your food,” he said, his eyes flashing with anger. “Why do I have to keep reminding you not to touch my food?”

I didn’t realize I was cowering in the corner of the kitchen, holding my stomach. Memories of him force-feeding me the cake washed over me, and I was terrified he was going to do the same with the pot roast.

“I’m sorry, please,” I begged, breathing hard with panic.

He approached me and gave me my fork. “Why don’t you keep eating? Eat it, bitch.”

Tears were rolling down my face rapidly as I took the utensil from him automatically. I turned towards the pot roast, and anxiety swirled within me.

This wasn’t good. He was going to make me terrified to eat for the rest of my life.

Instead of panic and hopelessness, anger began to rise within my chest. Screaming, I suddenly spun around and stabbed him in the chest with the fork as hard as I could.

We both looked down at the fork as blood spurted from his chest. He wasn’t dropping.

He wasn’t dying.

I quickly ran from the kitchen as he chased me with the fork sticking out of his chest. Horror filled me as I ran up the stairs towards my old room. For some reason I heard the front door crashing down as I ran into my room and locked the door.

Heart racing, I realized my entire existence in this room had been cleaned out and replaced with blue paint. It had turned into a boy’s room entirely.

But I had no time to think about that.

Alan was trying to break into the locked door to kill me.

I dragged a huge dresser while in pain towards the door. It was heavy, but I couldn’t get to the door in time before it crashed open, and he stood there angrily.

Alan looked horrifying, with bags under his eyes and blood dripping all over his shirt and pants. There was blood on his face, too. I threw a soccer ball at his head- anything I could get my hands on.

But he grabbed my arm to stop me.

“That’s enough, daughter,” he said. “You’ve disgraced me ever since the day you were born. I will have to rectify my mistake of allowing you to live.”

Fuck. This would be the end of me.

Before he could wrap his hands around my throat again, three werewolves rushed into the room.

I screamed.

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