Page 69 of Maid for The Alphas

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He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me to a standing position as my heart thundered in my chest. He always looked the same to me. Tall, bald, with lines for features on his face. He was the most evil person I knew.

“Why don’t you start cooking something before you join her in the grave?”

My heart sank, and I wanted to throw up instantly as my head swam. Thoughts of my little brother persisted in my head, but I was too scared to ask what had happened to him.

“Why?” I asked, holding onto the kitchen sink with one hand. Even if I hated my mother, I didn’t want her to die. It was too harsh a penalty for everything she’d gone through with Alan. “Why did you do it?”

A flicker crossed through his face, but then he regained his composure.

“Do you want to join her?” he asked in a dark voice, his hand now around my throat. The pressure of his voice tightened with every syllable of his sentence.

“No,” I said, trying to focus. He released me, and I dropped to the floor on my knees, unable to stand. My mom wasn’t here any longer.

She was gone.

Murdered by her own alpha.

He laughed one last time as he grabbed a beer and sat in the living room, watching me as he turned on the game.

“You are right where you belong,” he said in satisfaction as he took a swig.

As I looked down at the wet sponge in my hand, I couldn’t believe this was where I’d end up. It was like I had never left, and tears swam in my eyes thinking about my mother’s demise.

What happened to her? Was she terrified in the last moments of her life? And what happened to my little brother, who I had never met?

A lump formed in my throat at the awful feelings of it all because it felt like a straight-up nightmare. I closed my eyes tight and reopened them, seeing my dad’s face lit up by the screen and the kitchen smelling like fish. I wished I had told Zaff where I had went to.

Because now, I was truly alone.


My pack was filledwith dread when we finally arrived at the compound.

“We have to do this for Breanna,” I said, gritting my teeth as we landed away from the Alpha Compound. I didn’t want to get too close and raise the alarm. “All of us need to shift.”

“And then?” asked Chad.

“There are about fifty homes here,” I said,looking around at the meager lights that lit up the compound. “We will check every home for her and listen to anything suspicious.”

“Got it, boss,” said Oscar, and the mood of the pack lightened considerably as we all shifted into werewolf form outside of the helicopter.

We bounded down the road in our wolf form to avoid speedy detection by Henry’s men. Every home looked the same except for the bigger houses, which belonged to the elite alphas who served Henry. We decided to split up, communicating telepathically when a house had been cleared or if something felt off.

So far, there were no suspicious activity for a few minutes.

Get over here.I think I see Bree.

My heart pounding hard, I forced myself to move faster toward Oscar’s direction. He was a few houses ahead of me, putting his ear intently to the wall. The entire pack had gathered to listen to what he was listening to.

I swear I heard her voice.

I shifted back so I could look through the window. Sure enough, I recognized Breanna immediately by her hair and face as she was preparing meat in the kitchen. A tug at my heart demanded I go in there and save her immediately.

But I had to use my head on how to get her out with no problems because I saw a bald man sitting not too far away, his eyes constantly darting towards her.

Was that her father?If it was, so help me, god. If I got too close to him, I would kill him.

“It’s her for sure,” I said. “But there’s a man in there, and I don’t want problems with Henry if we end up killing him. We’ll wait until he retires for the night, and we’ll get our girl.”

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