Page 71 of Maid for The Alphas

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The werewolves piled on top of him, gnashing their teeth and barking. He removed his grip on my throat as he was taken down to the floor. Gasping, I rushed to the door and crashed into a hard chest.

Looking up, I saw Zaff standing there fully naked.

My heart tripled in size upon seeing him, regardless of my dad being ripped to pieces behind me and screaming.

“Hey,” I said as uncertainty washed over me.

“My pack will take care of him,” he said, gently taking my hand. “Let us go downstairs where you don’t have to see it.”

I swallowed as a sliver of guilt went through me, and I tried to turn around to stop everything, but Zaff held my arms so I wouldn’t. I didn’t try to fight him or anything. I was numb as I allowed him to lead me out of the room, the screaming a distant echo behind me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Isat on the couch as still as a rock, staring mindlessly at the blaring television. It was the last channel my dad ever watched. I was numb even when Zaff sat next to me, patiently watching my every move as he pulled on a pair of jeans.

I watched as Ruston, Chad, and Oscar carried a rolled-up rug out the front door after shifting out of their werewolf forms.

My dad’s body was inside that rug.

Time seemed to stand still as I wondered one question.Why couldn’t I have had a normal family? I just murdered my own father.

“Am I a monster?” I asked out loud in a bleak voice.

“Not even close,” said Zaff, also watching his pack carry the body out. “He was the true monster. No father should ever hurt his daughter the way he did to you. You are free from him now.”

“No, you’re right,” I sighed, looking down at my hands covered in my dad’s blood. “He was a monster my entire life- ever since he found out I was a beta.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“He never liked me,” I said. “I hoped deep down he loved me but was afraid to show it. But he didn’t have an ounce of love to give. He even killed his own wife.”

“No, he didn’t,” said a shrill voice from the front door.

I turned my head to see my mom bursting into the house with a little boy in tow.

Wait, shewasn’tdead.

She was very much alive when she walked in. She wore a black hat with ribbons and a black lace dress. Her hair had greyed considerably, and her face had wrinkled over the years.

“You’re alive,” I breathed.

“You killed him!” she screeched with a hand over her chest. Tears were running down her face as if she was in physical pain. “Do you know how it feels to lose a mate? I felt it the minute you killed him.”

I didn’t say anything as she continued to scream and rant right in front of my little brother. I couldn’t believe she was acting this way, but it was better for me to stay quiet than add fuel to the fire.

“Settle down,” barked Zaff, but that made her angrier.

“You!” she screamed, jabbing her long pointer finger at his chest. “You helped my evil daughter kill Alan, didn’t you?!”

“Sister,” said a second female voice joining us in the living room.

My eyes widened with shock upon seeing Aunt Julie joining us with three alphas standing behind her. I was dismayed to see the mark on her neck, which meant the alphas had successfully claimed her.

I could barely focus on my aunt and her alphas since my mom was going off the rails at me. She tried to approach me but Zaff immediately stood up and blocked my sight of her.

“You’re all murderers,” my mom wailed at the loss of her mate, falling to her knees in the middle of the living room.

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