Page 70 of Freed By The Pack

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After showering and brushing my teeth, I took my time getting ready in a cute dress that I would spend the day in around the island with my pack.

My pack.

I smiled, liking the sound of that as I applied makeup. Hearing a knock at the door, I went to open it, and my mom stood there while clutching a romance book in her hand with rollers in her hair.

“Yes, Mom?”

“Aww, you so look cute,” she said. “There’s someone in the living room for you.”

Wondering if my alphas had come for me already, I headed down the stairs and into the living room. Upon seeing who it was, my blood ran cold.

It was Brett sitting there like he owned the place. He sat on the couch, knees spread, trying to show his dominance.

“What are you doing here?” I asked sharply, feeling my heart beat a mile a minute. This was a shock to me, and I wasn’t prepared to see him there. I thought he had been killed or gone to prison with the rest of the alpha handlers.

I stood there petrified.

“I just want to talk to you,” he said, smiling. The familiar evil smile that made my stomach hurt, knowing what was coming. He knew I was scared, and I needed to take him out of the house before he hurt my mother.

“Who’s that?” my mom asked.

“No one, just an old friend,” I said hastily, trying to control my breathing. “We can talk outside.”

Brett smiled as if he had won, and he opened the door for me as we walked outside.

“I came to make you a proposal,” he said, sniffing the air strongly for my scent.

“You don’t scare me anymore,” I said loudly, trying to force some bravery to scare him off. Deep down, I was trembling like a leaf, forgetting everything I learned in therapy.

My legs were like jello, and I was the scared omega I was back at the OBC.

“You’re going to be my omega,” he said. “It looks like alphas haven’t scooped you up yet. Would you like to be my omega? I miss you, Button.”

“No thanks,” I said quickly. “I’m taken already.”

“But they haven’t marked you yet,” he said, touching my neck and I cringed. He noticed my look of disgust. “Why are you acting like this?”

“You know why,” I hissed. “You raped me.”

“That’s an exaggeration,” he said, coming closer to me. “You enjoyed every second of it. I can still remember your moans. Come with me.”

“I’m not yours!” I shouted, backing away from him.

But he quickly scooped me up, and I screamed as I punched him in the back. I kicked as hard as I could while panic streamed through every nerve of my body. I heard him grunt in pain as he quickly shoved me into the backseat of his car and shut the door.

Before I could open the door, he hopped into the driver’s seat and took off. For a moment, I froze in terror.

The car was moving at top speed.

Shoving the door open, my heart pounded fast as I looked at the rushing road beneath. Fuck, I was pregnant.

“Close the door!” roared Brett with the alpha bark in his voice.

Instead, I jumped out.

Pain hit my body.

I rolled around and around on the hard asphalt ground, trying to protect my belly with my arms. When I finally stopped rolling, dizziness hit me when I opened my eyes. And the first thing I saw was Brett looming over me, his eyes flashing with red fury.

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