Page 69 of Freed By The Pack

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“Instead of the auctions, they found a better deal,” said Reyna. “To sell me to Henry. The psychotic bastard who kept a bunch of omegas to make babies for him, so my uncle kidnapped me.”

I listened, as did all the other omegas, who were in shocked silence as she explained the brutality in detail. I remembered myself, night after night, waiting for the alphas to arrive and then wishing the time would go by faster while they took me. I didn’t realize my eyes were shut tight at the memories until the therapist called on me next.

“Olivia, what memories are you grappling with?” asked the therapist.

“Everything she’s saying about the OBC is true,” I gasped out, opening my eyes. The omega next to me handed a tissue to me. “Thank you.”

“What memories does it trigger in you?” asked the therapist.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I said, breathing hard as I stared at my sneakers.

“Remember, it’s the only way to heal.”

“I said I don’t want to talk,” I snapped, breathing hard. “Do you just want to hear about me getting raped over and over again by a sick alpha and his buddies? It’s the same story, just like the rest of these ladies.”

Surprisingly, saying it out loud shed the weight of its power over me. And I began to breathe a little easier despite the heavy weight on my chest.

“You have experienced a tremendous amount of pain,” said the therapist. “My goal is to help you, not attack you.”

I nodded silently, blowing my nose into the tissue.

“I think I’m done for now,” I said, getting up. I walked away from there, embarrassed to death of snapping at the therapist. I wish I hadn’t done that. When I got outside, I walked to my car, but before I could unlock the door, a voice stopped me.

“Olivia,” said a rough female’s voice.

I turned and saw that Reyna had followed me out here.

“Hey Reyna,” I said, my hand on the door handle. “It’s cool seeing you here.”

“Why don’t you come back and finish the session?” she asked. “Don’t be impatient.”

“I just embarrassed myself,” I said, shaking my head and squeezing the car keys. “I’m never going back there again.”

“You didn’t embarrass yourself,” she said. “I did the same thing at first.”

“You did?”

“I sure did,” she replied, smiling. I noticed she looked a lot cleaner and taken care of. Her teeth were whiter now, and she looked more distinguished in her black blazer with jeans. “I was a complete brat. You’re better than me, Olivia.”

I sighed and shoved my keys back into my purse. I had gone through the horror Reyna had, but she’d been suffering for far longer than myself.

“Alright,” I said. “I’ll give it one more try.”

Chapter 31


Dayslater,Iwokeup for the first time without nightmares.

Opening my eyes, my hand automatically went to my belly, imagining the growing baby inside of me.

The therapy sessions seemed to be helping, in addition to going out on lunches and dinners with Sergio, Ian, and Evan. During yesterday’s group therapy session, I broke down discussing my fears and telling them I was pregnant.

Everyone congratulated me despite not knowing who the father was. I was freaking out about being pregnant every day since I officially found out. But every morning, it had gotten easier to accept that I’d love the baby despite who his father was. Sometimes, I would envision myself with Sergio’s pack and our child running around the house. The image would stay with me at night until I was comfortable with the idea and even excited.

Today I was planning to visit a museum with Sergio, Ian and Evan.

I was excited to go, and I had carefully picked out my outfit last night after my therapy session. Every day, my life was slowly repairing itself, and I knew one day I’d have to fix my relationship with Lacy.

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